ADAM installation Notes Version III.12 Files: ADAM.DOC - the ADAM documentation (differences from EVE) ADAM.HLP - the help file, invoked by ADAM ADAM.TPU - the source code for ADAM in the TPU language ADAM.TPU$SECTION - compiled section file ADAMINS.TXT - this file, installation instructions and release notes ADAMKEY.HLP - the keypad drawing FREDKEY.HLP - the FRED-mode keypad drawing LINK.COM - used to link TPU_CALLUSER RECALL.MAR - macro routine needed by TPU_CALLUSER TPUINI.TPU - a sample initialization file TPU_CALLUSER.* - user-callable subroutine to get the command line 1. Copy ADAM.TPU$SECTION and TPU_CALLUSER.EXE to SYS$LIBRARY 2. Install ADAM: $ INSTALL/COMMAND INSTALL> ADD SYS$LIBRARY:ADAM.TPU$SECTION/SHARE/HEAD/OPEN ( Don't forget to add this to your startup procedure ) 3. Insert ADAM.HLP, FREDKEY.HLP, and ADAMKEY.HLP in the file SYS$HELP:TPUHELP.TLB { $ LIBRARY/INSERT/HELP SYS$HELP:TPUHELP ADAM } { $ LIBRARY/INSERT/HELP SYS$HELP:TPUHELP ADAMKEY } { $ LIBRARY/INSERT/HELP SYS$HELP:TPUHELP FREDKEY } 4. In the system-wide login file, add : ADAM :== EDIT/TPU/SECTION=SYS$LIBRARY:ADAM.TPU$SECTION FRED :== EDIT/TPU/SECTION=SYS$LIBRARY:ADAM.TPU$SECTION 5. In the system-wide startup procedure add : DEFINE/SYSTEM TPU$CALLUSER SYS$LIBRARY:TPU_CALLUSER.EXE 6. To modify ADAM, the source code may be changed and/or new keys defined.