This area contains most current Internet RFC documents (Request for Comment, the normal form in which standards are published) in text form. It is presented in a Squash compressed disk form, together with a VMSINSTALlable copy of Squash, to allow it to be read. The read-only Squash daemons and driver are freely distributable. The RFCs are very handy to have around, and are documented by internal index files. When mounted, the disk will appear to be a disk of some 156000 blocks, though because of the compressed form it is economical to keep these standards online with far less space. Note that the Squash high-compression mode has been used here to store this material, achieving a compression of nearly 3:1. The Squash kit here will also give a 30 day demo r/w version of Squash which will allow creation of additional disks if you wish. Full documentation is included.