Program Validate is written in Bliss32, therefore, VALIDATE.EXE and VALIDATE.OBJ are included. Also included is a VALIDATE.LIS suitable (almost) for MACRO assembly. The listing was produced by executing the command BLISS/LIST/MACH=(ASSEM,NOBIN) VALIDATE and then editing the output to start the page header lines with ";" . Note that BLISS has a more limited scope for EXTERNAL declarations, and puts too many into the listing. We have not attempted to fix assembly errors induced by variable names which include the character "\". It would be prefer- able to remove the actual instructions generated by the LIB$TPARSE macros, and insert the MACRO macros necessary for the same operations. The following is offered as a guide to BLISS-MACRO translation: The BLISS fragment: $INIT_STATE (FSPEC_STB, FSPEC_KTB); $STATE (FNAME, ('*',TPA$_FAIL,,VAL_NOWILD,PARSE_ERROR), (TPA$_SYMBOL,,SAVESYM,,,NAME), ( (UIC),,MOVPART), ); translates to the MACRO fragment: $INIT_STATE FSPEC_STB,FSPEC_KTB $STATE FNAME $TRAN '*',TPA$_FAIL,,VAL_NOWILD,PARSE_ERROR $TRAN TPS$_SYMBOL,,SAVESYM,,,NAME $TRAN !UIC,,MOVPART $END_STATE Compilation of Validate requires the two Require files HANDY.REQ and STRINGS.REQ. The machinations of STRINGS.REQ although rather convoluted are usefull in other contexts. TRNLOG.OBJ is required for linking Validate, although there is no explicit external declaration. It is declared in a macro ala system services. The HELP file can be used almost unchanged, although there is reference to logical name SYS$UTIL which at SAO names a directory in which are collected all the locally supplied utility routines of (presumed) wide interest. This program was written at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Mass. Please contact Roger Hauck there for comments or questions.