[VAX81B.ARAP]AAAREADME.TXT A.R.A.P. Submissions Los Angeles, Fall 1981 - RSX/IAS and VAX SIG tape A.R.A.P. Box 2229 Princeton, NJ 08540 Contact: John Leonard (609) 452-2950 A.R.A.P. modified Triangle/Duke/Rockwell RUNOFF for technical documents In addition to the excellent changes that are part of the base line TRIANGLE RUNOFF, ARAP has added a number of features to RUNOFF to enable us to produce technical reports. We required support for greek characters, extended sub/super script capability, ability to produce very complex mathematical equations etc. We have successfully been using RUNOFF in conjunction with a screen editor to produce reports on a production basis. Some of the features include: a) Support for Greek/Math character set. Output is produced on a DIABLO 1640 in two passes. Lines up amazingly well. Implemented with meta-characters like underline function. b) Super/subscripts adjustable in 1/8 line increments. Can set to super/sub 3/8 line instead of 1/2 and change amount througout document as needed. (meta-characters) c) Line spacing adjustable to 1/8 line (.SP) and also .BLANK can use 1/8 spacing. e.g. .BLANK 1+5/8 d) Overbar function, implemented similar to underline. Adjusts to highest superscipt to be overscored. e) Equation mode command. Allows reasonable description of equations, set spacing around equation, sets line spacing (to 1/8), allows '#' to be horizontal half-space for aligning 1 character above 2 (a/bc) for example. f) Justified output uses a horizontal half-space to fill. g) Overstrike ability using backspace, justifies properly. h) String substitution definitions. Similar to the numeric substituion, but allows strings within the text to be identified and substituted for. e.g .SUB ARAP = 'Aeronautical Research Associates of P' Any occurence of ARAP within text will be substituted. or | = Y to get a vertical bar on a QUME letter Gothic print wheel. The following is a brief description of the files used to build and run RUNOFF. Most command files are in VAX command format but should be easily changed for M or IAS. On the RSX sig tape the files should be in [360,235]. 1. XNOMAC.COM To assemble all of the RUNOFF source modules. Uses XNPRE.MAC which does not build for READ-ONLY psects. Use RNPRE to build for READ-ONLY psects. MAC.COM is used for the MACRO command line Page 2 template. 2. XNO.CMD TKB format task-build command file. In Vax compatibility mode. May want to edit the options for M or IAS. TKB @XNO or MCR TKB @XNO The .TSK or .EXE file is XNO but can be installed as RNO. 3. RNO.RNO After RUNOFF is built the documentation can be produced from this file. Use it as input to the newly built version or RUNOFF - MCR RNO output-spec=RNO If you have a DIABLO specify the /DI/UL:L switches on the RNO side. Output-spec can be a printer, terminal or file. 4. RNO.CMD This is a command file we used on IAS for running RUNOFF. It prompts for certain information and assists in alligning paper on the second pass. It also calls RNO.MCR and runs DEVUIC. This is specific to the IAS command language but should be adaptable to M if need-be. 5. RNO.COM VMS version of RNO.CMD 6. RNOERR.COM This command file creates the error message file from the source error message file. RNOERR.MSG should be placed on LB0:[1,2]. Note: VM users ! RUNOFFrefers to LB00 (two zeros) so ASSIGN SYS$SYSDIK TO LB00: or RNOERR.MSG will not be able to be accessed. 7. KEYBOARD.RNO This RUNOFF file will print out the greek symbol layout for the terminal keyboard. It is set to use the same positions as and IBM selectric typewriter. 8. HYPHEN.MAC I've substitued a null version of the hyphenation routine. If you want to use the hyphenation feature, link in HYPHEN.OBJ instead of XYPHEN.OBJ Page 3 Notes This version of RUNOFF assumes you are using a QUME symbol-2 wheel for the greek/math. Within XUNOFF.MAC is an alternate table to map into the greek/math wheel Diablo makes. We have found the QUME wheel to be more satisfactory and, works fine in the Diablo. If you have questions or problems regarding RUNOFF after sifting through the documentation etc., please feel free to call me.