[VAX81B.BATTELLE] This submission consists of two patches to standard VMS components. For a complete description, see the accompanying .DOC files. The patches are as follows: 1. SET This patch to the DCL SET TERMINAL command restricts the use of the /SPEED qualifier to those users with OPER privilege. This is useful in a hostile environment to prevent everyone from setting their terminals to 9600 baud or doing other related nasty things. This patch was mentioned in a PAGESWAPPER, and I have sent it to a number of people. 2. DCL This is a patch to DCL to simulate TOPS-20 style PUSH and POP commands. This allows you to interrupt an image with a Y and start a subprocess running DCL, without disturbing the executing image. For example, in the middle of an edit, you need to do a directory command. You can Y the editor, give the PUSH command, and get a new DCL prompt. You can then do the directory or any other DCL command. Then, by giving the POP command, you can rejoin the original process. Submitted by: Gary Grebus Computer Center, Room 11-6005 Battelle Columbus Labs 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 (614) 424-4664