AUTOLOG and CONFPRINT PROGRAMS ============================== This directory contains only two programs, AUTOLOG and CONFPRINT. AUTOLOG AUTOLOG is a program used to logoff (time-out) terminal users who are idle. An idle user is one who uses none of the following three system parameters: CPU_TIME, BUFFERED_IO, and DIRECT_IO. If all of these parameters remain constant over a period of 5 minutes (IDLE_TIME), then the user's process is logged out (DELPRC). When a user is idle for 4 minutes (IDLE_TIME - 1), he is giver a warning message. To make AUTOLOG work, it should be run as a DETACHed process from SYSTARTUP. The process also requires WORLD and OPER privledges. The command to create it as a detached process is: RUN/UIC=[1,4]/PRIV=(WORLD,OPER)/PROCESS_NAME=AUTOLOG AUTOLOG Provisions are made in the program to allow special users not to be timed out. These usernames are entered into a table at the beginning of the source program. We also do not timeout OPERATOR if one of the special processes (CMS2P or CMS2S) are running on the system. If it is not running, he gets the axe. This program runs under VMS V2.5. It may have some problems in V3.0 with users attaching to SPAWNed processes. The root level process may get timed out and with it all of its subprocesses, including the active one. We haven't tried it yet under V3.0. Give it a try, all my worries may be for not. CONFPRINT CONFPRINT is a pre-processor used to put the classification of listings on the top and bottom of every page. If it is used, the file must be PRINTed/NOFORM. The program was written to be run from a command procedure, but we have yet to implement it in that form. Please see the listing for channel assignments. Two inputs are required, one is the classification, and the other is the file to be processed. For any further information, help, or to submit improvements/problems, contact me: Steve Moores Aurora Software Developement Unit C.F.B Greenwood Greenwood, N.S., Canada, B0P 1N0 (902) 765-3391 ext 864