ICR VMS Programs ---------------- The programmers at the Institute for Cancer Research have written a number of programs for VMS aimed at making the system friendlier for user and programmer alike. These are each described in detail on the facility's subdirectory. Included in this package are the following files: o ICRLIB -- A collection of useful, well documented routines used by the ICR programs. o COMPILE -- An outstanding compile, load and go utility. o RATLIB -- A utility library which is used by several programs, including Ratfiv. o RATFIV -- A structured Fortran preprocessor providing SWITCH, IF - ELSE, WHILE, FOR, DO, REPEAT - UNTIL, STRING, and BREAK and NEXT constructs. Also supported are INCLUDE files, DEFINE for symbolic constants and macros with arguments, conditional compilation, formats in read, write, encode, and decode statements, and optional output of fortran 77 code. o ZILCH -- Zilch is a screen editor which can display and edit one or more files at the same time. Many of it's features are particularly useful for programming. Zilch works on VT100, VT52, ADM3A, and ADM5 terminals. Complete documentation is in [.ZILCH]ZILCH.DOC. Typing ZCAI INTRO invokes an interactive beginner's tutorial on using Zilch. Typing ZCAI ADVANCED invokes an advanced tutorial on using Zilch. Documentation for the tutorials is in [.ZILCH]ZCAI.DOC. A VMS help file is in [.ZILCH]ZILCH.HLP. o TALK -- lets you talk to other users on the system or send them mail if they are not logged on. o LIST -- LIST is like the TYPE and Unix GREP commands only better. LIST's simplest use is to display lines from a file on the terminal a screen at a time. It has sophisticated string searching and can write out portions of files to other files. File names to be listed may have wild card characters in them, making it easy to do such chores as looking through a group of files for a particular string or variable. Finally, LIST can be positioned randomly in a file using line (record) numbers, and can list VAX RMS indexed Page 2 files by key number and do key searches. o BULLETIN -- Provides an easy, friendly way for the system managers to disseminate information to users. o BURSTF -- Bursts the subroutines, functions, programs, and block datas in a FORTRAN source file into their own individual files. o BATCH -- Batch is a convenient way to submit a batch process. It tries to make the environment of the batch process similar to the current environment by setting the default directory to the current default, and invoking the file "subdirect.com" if present on the default directory. *** NOTICE *** This software was developed with support from the National Institutes of Health: NIH CA06927 NIH CA22780 Direct inquiries to: Computer Center The Institute for Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111 No warranty or representation, express or implied, is made with respect to the correctness, completeness, or usefulness of this software, nor that use of this software might not infringe privately owned rights. No liability is assumed with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of this software. Page 3 Getting started This package consists of a root directory and a number of subdirectories. If you do not wish to modify, rebuild, or look at the program code, you may delete all the subdirectories after you have printed or saved the aaareadme.txt files, other documentation files and included the .HLP files in your system help library. The root directory consists of the following files: o LOGIN.COM -- this command file must be executed prior to using any of the ICR programs/routines. If the logical name ICR$STUFF is not defined, this procedure will ask for the location of the root directory on your system, and assign it to ICR$STUFF. Normally, ICR$STUFF would be defined by the system startup file for the entire system, or in the system wide login.com file. This login.com file would then normally be called from the system wide login.com file. The LOGIN.COM file also defines a DCL symbol ICRHELP which displays a help file for the programs and command files on this tape. This help file was created from the .HLP files on the subdirectories. o SYSTARTUP.COM -- this command file should be executed to install certain utilities. Normally this would be invoked from the system startup file. o ICRHELP.COM -- gives help on ICR programs and command files. o *.FOR -- VMS symbol definition files for FORTRAN. o *.PAS -- VMS symbol definition files for PASCAL. o *.EXE -- the V2.4 executable programs. o SYMBOLS. -- used by RATFIV. o AAASYSBUL.SBL -- used by the BULLETIN command. o SYSBULSUB.DAT -- used by the BULLETIN command. o MAKELIST.COM -- makes a carriagecontrol LIST file from RUNOFF output. o SEARCH.COM -- searches files for patterns using the LIST command. o BATCH.COM -- command file for BATCH from the BATCH subdirectory. Page 4 o Z*.* and POEM.SAV -- files used by Zilch tutorials. o *MAP. and ZHELP. -- files read by Zilch text editor. Some of the programs assume that certain logical names have been defined when they run; all of the programs assume this when they are built. These logical names will all be defined by the login.com file (see above) in the root directory. In case you wish to distribute these to other directories in your system, they are described below with suggestions for their placement. 1. ICR$LIBRARY -- Location of ICR applications libraries. May reside anywhere. Should contain the .OLB files. 2. ICR$PROGRAM -- Location of all ICR applications programs. You may make this equivalent to SYS$SYSTEM and move all .EXE files there. 3. ICR$COMMAND -- Location of all ICR command procedures. All of the .COM files should be there. 4. ZCAI$ -- location of files used by the Zilch tutorials. Z*.* and POEM.SAV should reside there. 5. FORTRAN$DEF -- Location of all VMS definition files for FORTRAN. All of the .FOR files should be there. Only needed when rebuilding ICR FORTRAN and RATFIV programs. 6. PASCAL$DEF -- Location of all VMS definition files for PASCAL. All of the .PAS files should be there. Only needed when rebuilding ICR PASCAL programs. 7. SYS$PUBLIC -- Location of all other files. Should reside on a disk with a fair amount of free space, as bulletins will accumulate there. Good luck, and feel free to contact us with problems and/or suggestions.