This program displays bulletins of general interest. You may get information on how to use it by typing "HELP BULLETIN". When you log in, the program will print messages you have not yet read (unless you ask for old messages). It will also tell you when new messages have been added on possible topics of interest, but you must specifically ask to read these messages. You may wish to put "BULL/SUBJECT=subject" in your file for those subjects in which you are interested. Those subjects on which there are bulletins can be listed by typing "BULL/DIRECTORY". At the end of each message (as below), the program will allow you to select various options. Typing "Go" will cause all messages to be displayed without further interruption (except at the bottom of the screen). Typing "Quit" will discontinue the bulletins, but they will all be typed again the next time you login (or ask for bulletins). Typing "File" will save the preceding message in a file named "AAASYSBUL.BUL" or "subject.BUL" on your login directory, while typing "Print" will print the bulletin. A carriage return will proceed to the next message. *** NOTE *** Do not delete your file SYS$LOGIN:SYSBULL.DAT! This file remembers which bulletins you have read and not read. Deleting it will cause BULLETIN to recreate it next time, and assume you have read no bulletins!