Z I L C H S C R E E N E D I T O R =================================== Zilch is a screen editor which can display and edit one or more files at a time. The file(s) being edited are displayed on a terminal and the screen is updated as changes are made to the files. Zilch has several features which make it a very powerful editor: 1. Multiple files may be displayed and edited at the same time. 2. Zilch saves an editing session when it exits so that the session can be continued at a later date. 3. Zilch checkpoints an editing session after every 300 commands in case of a system crash. 4. A macro may be defined to execute repetitive sequences of keystrokes. 5. Special programming language specific character mappings may be used to abbreviate commonly typed words and do automatic indentation. 6. Zilch can spawn a subprocess to enter DCL and can redirect the output of DCL commands to an internal buffer. Zilch is descended from several editors. Character mappings were first implemented by Bob Stodola on a Hewlett-Packard computer at ICR. Many of the commands emulate the commands of Bill Cael's Teco screen editor at ICR. Many other ideas, such as editing and windowing multiple files, come from the EMACS editor. Zilch works on VT100, VT52, ADM3A, and ADM5 terminals. By default Zilch assumes your terminal is a VT100 or VT52 if the system terminal type (as displayed by the SHOW TERMINAL command) is VT100 or VT52, respectively. Otherwise Zilch assumes your terminal is an ADM3A. To use an ADM5, /TERM=ADM5 should be specified on Zilch's command line, for example: $ zilch/term=adm5 file.dat Complete documentation is in ZILCH.DOC. Typing ZCAI INTRO invokes an interactive beginner's tutorial on using Zilch. Typing ZCAI ADVANCED invokes an advanced tutorial on using Zilch. Documentation for the tutorials is in ZCAI.DOC. A VMS help file is in ZILCH.HLP. Zilch has several files which it reads in response to commands. They are the mapping character files and the help file. They are included on the ICR root directory. The names of these files must be Page 2 specified on Zilch's command line. Please see the LOGIN.COM file in the ICR root directory to see an example of setting up the symbol definition for Zilch properly. Please address comments, bugs, and suggestions to: William P. Wood, Jr. Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19111 (215) 728-2760