NOTE: File extension conventions : COM - DCL command procedure EXE - Executable program (VMS native mode) FOR - VAX Fortran 77 source HLP - Help library source module - $LIBRARY/HELP helplib-spec ---.HLP MAR - VAX Macro source RNO - Digital Standard Runoff input source - $RUNOFF/CONT ... S3I - SFTRAN3 input source - see SFTRAN included below SYM - Symbol definition macro converted to Fortran PARAMETER statements DOC, TXT - User info, documentation, installation, whatever NOTE: You should read and modify all the "user info" files to correspond to the way you set the files up in your environment. Specifically, all device and directory examples should be modified. FILES: []AAAREADME.1ST -- You're looking at it. []BUSY.COM -- A DCL procedure to lock a logged-in terminal to prevent unauthorized use while the owner is away. []CHRCAT.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMCASE.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMCONT.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMERMS.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMHELP.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMINIT.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMINTG.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMLKUP.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMLSTI.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMLSTN.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMLSTR.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMLSTS.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMPOSL.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMREAD.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMREAL.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMSCAN.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMSKIP.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMTABLBD.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMTEST.S3I -- See SCANLIB []CMTOKN.S3I -- See SCANLIB []COMPSCAN.COM -- DCL commands to compile the SCANLIB routines -- Requires installation of SFTRAN, with command abbrevs. []CON.COM -- DCL procedure for CONNECT -- UNIX-style shorthand commands for moving around in a directory tree []CONNECT.HLP -- Help module for CONNECT []CONNECT.TXT -- User info for CONNECT []CONNEWS.TXT -- CONNECT update info []DCDEF.SYM -- Fortran version of $DCDEF - used by some routines here Could be replaced by VMS 3.0 new include libraries []DCLEX.DOC -- User info for DCLEX -- Fortran-callable subroutine which runs LOGINOUT to execute DCL statements. []DCLEX.FOR -- Fortran source for DCLEX. Requires subroutine PRMSG. []FDUMP.EXE -- Hexadecimal/ASCII file dump program []FDUMP.S3I -- SFTRAN3 source for FDUMP. Requires subroutine HEXDMP. []FDUMP.TXT -- User info for FDUMP []FOR020.DAT -- SFTRAN3 Include file for SCANLIB routines []FTCOPY.COM -- DCL procedure to set up and run FTCOPY.EXE []FTCOPY.EXE -- Make an exact copy of a foreign tape []FTCOPY.FOR -- Fortran source for FTCOPY []FTCOPY.TXT -- User info for FTCOPY []GETUIC.MAR -- Macro source for GETUIC - subroutine to get caller's UIC []GETUIC.TXT -- User info for GETUIC []GETUID.FOR -- Fortran source for GETUID - subroutine to get caller's UIC in a form which can be printed in I6.6 format. Requires subroutine GETUIC. []GETUID.TXT -- User info for GETUID []HEXDMP.DOC -- User info for HEXDMP - Dump memory in hexadecimal []HEXDMP.S3I -- SFTRAN3 source for HEXDMP []KILL.EXE -- Kill a process with the same UIC as the issuing process -- install with GROUP privilege -- allows users to kill their own processes without privilege []KILL.FOR -- Fortran source for KILL []KILL.TXT -- User info for KILL []MOUNTF.MAR -- Macro source for MOUNTF - Fortran-callable subroutine to mount a tape /FOREIGN []MOUNTF.TXT -- User info for MOUNTF []NULLTIME.COM -- DCL source for NULLTIME - Batch job which collects and reports hourly CPU usage []NULLTIME.TXT -- NULLTIME user info []PRINTCODE.EXE -- Print the system message corresponding to a system status code -- prompts for status code in hexadecimal []PRINTCODE.FOR -- Fortran source for PRINTCODE. Requires subroutine PRMSG. []PRINTCODE.TXT -- User info for PRINTCODE []PRMSG.FOR -- Fortran source for PRMSG - subroutine to print the system message corresponding to a system status code []PRMSG.TXT -- User info for PRMSG []SCANLIB.RNO -- User documentation for SCANLIB -- a portable set of subroutines (SFTRAN3/Fortran 77) for parsing a DCL-like language -- useful for providing "user- friendly" command processing for general applications []SCANTABLE.S3I -- SFTRAN3 source for a main program which, when linked with a BLOCK DATA program of SCANLIB command tables, produces a formatted display of the tables []SECUTC.S3I -- SFTRAN source for a subroutine to convert time from seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00 to the form y,ddd,h,m,s Documentation in TIMECON.TXT []SECYDDD.EXE -- Convert time from seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00 to the form yydddhhmmss. Prompts for input. []SECYDDDMN.FOR -- Fortran source for main program for SECYDDD []SECYMD.EXE -- Convert time from seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00 to the form yymmddhhmmss. Prompts for input. []SECYMD.S3I -- SFTRAN source for a subroutine to convert time from seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00 to the form y,m,d,h,m,s. Documentation in TIMECON.TXT []SECYMDMN.FOR -- Fortran source for main program for SECYMD []SETWID.FOR -- Fortran source for SETWID - subroutine to set VT100 terminal width to 80 or 132 columns. Requires subroutine PRMSG. []SETWID.TXT -- User info for SETWID []SF3.EXE -- SFTRAN3 Structured Fortran Preprocessor []SFC.COM -- DCL procedure to run SFTRAN3 and Fortran compiler with the /NOLIST option []SFCD.COM -- DCL procedure to run SFTRAN3 and Fortran compiler with the /D_LINES option []SFCL.COM -- DCL procedure to run SFTRAN3 and Fortran compiler with the /LIST option []SFSYMB.COM -- DCL procedure to define command symbols used with SFTRAN3 []SFTRAN.HLP -- Help library source module for SFTRAN3 []SFTRAN.TXT -- Brief summary of SFTRAN installation procedure []SFTRAN3.RNO -- SFTRAN3 mini-user's guide (language reference and installation info) []SWAPBYTES.MAR -- Macro source for subroutine to swap bytes in an array of words or longwords -- useful when reading tapes from non-DEC systems []SWAPBYTES.TXT -- User info for SWAPBYTES []TAPE2DISK.EXE -- Program to read various kinds of foreign tapes []TAPE2DISK.FOR -- Fortran source for TAPE2DISK []TAPE2DISK.TXT -- User info for TAPE2DISK []TAPEIO.MAR -- Macro source for a set of Fortran-callable routines for doing Block I/O on foreign tapes []TAPEIO.TXT -- User info for TAPEIO []TIMECON.TXT -- User info for all the time format conversion routines in this directory []TRANSL.MAR -- Macro source for a subroutine required by TAPE2DISK []TTDEF.SYM -- Fortran version of $TTDEF macro - used by SETWID []UNBLOCK.TXT -- User info for UNBLOCKnn - a set of routines for reading card images from fixed-blocked (foreign) tapes []UNBLOCK72.EXE -- Program to read 72-character card images from a fixed- blocked foreign tape []UNBLOCK72.FOR -- Fortran source for UNBLOCK72 []UNBLOCK80.EXE -- Program to read 80-character card images from a fixed- blocked foreign tape []UNBLOCK80.FOR -- Fortran source for UNBLOCK80 []UNTRAIL.TXT -- User info for UNTRAILnn - a set of routines for reading card images from fixed-blocked (foreign) tapes and stripping trailing blanks. Also can be used to remove trailing blanks from any Fortran-readable file []UNTRAIL72.EXE -- Program to strip trailing blanks from card images up to 72 characters long []UNTRAIL72.S3I -- SFTRAN3 source for UNTRAIL72 []UNTRAIL80.EXE -- Program to strip trailing blanks from card images up to 80 characters long []UNTRAIL80.S3I -- SFTRAN3 source for UNTRAIL80 []UNTRAILEB.COM -- DCL procedure which prompts for input and output files and makes assignments to run UNTRAILEB.EXE []UNTRAILEB.EXE -- Same as UNTRAIL80, but also translates EBCDIC to ASCII []UNTRAILEB.S3I -- Same as UNTRAIL80, but also translates EBCDIC to ASCII []UTCSEC.S3I -- SFTRAN source for a subroutine to convert time from the form y,ddd,h,m,s to seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00 Documentation in TIMECON.TXT []UTCYMD.S3I -- SFTRAN source for a subroutine to convert time from the form y,ddd,h,m,s to the form y,m,d,h,m,s. Documentation in TIMECON.TXT []VAXMAN.EXE -- A video game for VT100 terminals -- 9600 baud required. Advanced video option desirable. []WAIT.FOR -- Fortran source for a subroutine which hibernates for the specified number of seconds []WAIT.TXT -- User info for WAIT []WAKEUP.EXE -- Program which wakes a specified process (GROUP or WORLD privilege required) []WAKEUP.FOR -- Fortran source for WAKEUP. Requires subroutine PRMSG. []WAKEUP.TXT -- User info for WAKEUP []WIDTH.COM -- DCL procedure which sets the width of a VT100 terminal to 80 or 132 columns []WIDTH.HLP -- HELP library source module for WIDTH []WIDTH.TXT -- User info for WIDTH []WTOPER.FOR -- Fortran source for a subroutine to send a message to all operator consoles []WTOPER.TXT -- User info for WTOPER []YDDDSEC.EXE -- Program to convert time from the form yydddhhmmss to seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00. Prompts for inputs. []YDDDSECMN.FOR -- Fortran source for main program for YDDDSEC. []YDDDYMD.EXE -- Program to convert time from the form yydddhhmmss to the form yydddhhmmss. Prompts for inputs. []YDDDYMDMN.FOR -- Fortran source for main program for YDDDYMD. []YMDSEC.EXE -- Program to convert time from the form yymmddhhmmss to seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00. Prompts for inputs. []YMDSEC.S3I -- SFTRAN source for a subroutine to convert time from the form y,m,d,h,m,s to seconds past 1950-01-01 00:00:00 Documentation in TIMECON.TXT []YMDSECMN.FOR -- Fortran source for main program for YMDSEC. []YMDUTC.S3I -- SFTRAN source for a subroutine to convert time from the form y,m,d,h,m,s to the form y,ddd,h,m,s. Documentation in TIMECON.TXT []YMDYDDD.EXE -- Program to convert time from the form yymmddhhmmss to the form yydddhhmmss. Prompts for inputs. []YMDYDDDMN.FOR -- Fortran source for main program for YMDYDDD. []ZIP.COM -- DCL procedure to SPAWN a DCL command or procedure []ZIP.HLP -- Help library source module for ZIP.COM []ZIP.TXT -- User info for ZIP.COM