MOUNTF USER'S GUIDE -- 1982-SEP-09 -- JWB Purpose: Issue a tape mount from inside a program. Usage: CALL MOUNTF(DEVICE,BLKSIZ,LRECL,DENSTY,VOLUME, STATUS) Issues the equivalent of: $MOUNT/FOREIGN/BLOCK=blksiz/RECORD=lrecl/DENSITY=densty - device volume Inputs: DEVICE - CHAR*6 - Device name - e.g. '_MTA0:' - May be a logical name BLKSIZ - INTEGER - Blocksize - e.g. 8192 - Must be between 20 and 65532 LRECL - INTEGER - Logical record size - e.g. 128 - Must be .LE. BLKSIZ DENSTY - INTEGER - Tape density (bpi) - e.g. 1600 - Must be 800, 1600, or 6250 VOLUME - CHAR*6 - Volume ID (strap label) - e.g. 'U1234A' Output: STATUS - INTEGER - System status code from $MOUNT Restriction: The device must be allocated to your process before issuing the call to MOUNTF. MOUNTF does not return until the tape is mounted and on-line. Linking: Include in the $LINK command or options file: ...,BUILD:[BLDUTIL.LIB]MOUNTF.OBJ,...