TAPE2DISK PROGRAM This program will read unlabeled magtapes containing fixed or variable length records. Tape files are deblocked, and written to disk. Optionally: Trailing spaces and card sequence fields can be removed. EBCDIC & BCD codes can be translated to ASCII. Tape input is from logical name "TAPE" or "TAPEUNIT". TAPE2DISK will first request information on the format of the tape: Please enter tape format type (1-4) or enter 0 to see a list of format types: TAPE2DISK will process the following magtape formats 1 = fixed length data records, 1 or more records / block 2 = variable length data records delimited by 1 or more records / block (this is PDP-10 change program format) 3 = fixed length records only one record / block ignore all data after 1st record in block 4 = variable length data records- 1 record per block') Next, the logical record size (not the physical block or record size) will be requested: Enter input logical record length (NOT BLOCKSIZE) : The value supplied must be less than 32767 bytes. If zero or no value is entered, the program will default the size to 80 bytes (card images). Next, if the input has sequence numbers or other non-blank junk in columns 73 on, you will be given the chance to have the program strip this stuff and all trailing blanks from each record (a good idea unless you have lots of disk space to waste). Do you want to strip off columns 73-n and strip trailing blanks (Y/N)? Next, if the tape originated on an IBM contraption, you will probably want to translate the characters from EBCDIC to ASCII: Do you want to translate input to ASCII from EBCDIC or BCD (Y/N) ? Finally, the next request is displayed: ENTER "FILENAME.TYP" or "STOP" or "SKIP" or "NEW": If a legal filename and type are entered (e.g. BOZO.DAT), the program will copy the file from tape into that file. If STOP is entered, the program will terminate. If SKIP is entered, a further request for the number of files to be skipped will ensue, followed by the appropriate action. NEW sends the program back to the start of all this mess (if you have multiple tapes to process). In the cases of filename and SKIP, this message will be repeated for each file you want extracted off the tape and will terminate only when STOP is entered.