SCT Fall 1982 Decus contribution The Following is a set of programs from: Mike Liveright {et al} Systems Control Technology {Was SCI} 1801 Page Mill Road Palo Alto Ca. 94301 (415) 494-2233 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APL CROSS SED SPLIT STAT WORD XTOC I think that all the programs have runnable EXE files, on the other hand, most of the programs can also accept their parameters from the command line. This means that for some uses it is useful to define them as FOREIGN commands. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> [.APL] .. The Current version of SCI_APL {APL.V30}. This now interfaces with VMS V3.0, and contains some fixes relative to the previous versions. I suspect that this will be the version that is in the DECUS library, and probably the last version that will be submitted. Also included as Sub-Directories are various unsuccessful attempts to document SCI_APL and a Pascal and another Fortran version of APL interpreters. These other versions are not necessarly correct either, but since I got them, have fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---> [.LIB] .. Various FORTRAN and MACRO routines that are in MY library that are used for the programs discussed below. These seem to be somewhat useful, and I am to lazy to include only those that are needed for the programs below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> CROSS .. An update of the CROSS-Reference program. The major additions are: 1) a condensed option that permits the tree to be shown in full the first time a routine is encountered, but suppresses the display of the called subroutines the subsiquent times that the routine is called. 2) The possibility of entering a set of files, or a general file spec as the SED .. An-other Stream Edit Program. I have found this program quite useful in my System Management Position. The major purpose of this program is to take an output_file. The Goodies that are in this are: 1) Of-Course there is a string replacement, and a "show" the lines that have a string in them. 2) A string can be put at the start or the end of all lines. 3) The lines can be Rotated, Truncated, or the start of the line eliminated. 4) If the first line of a file contains a Format definition, then the Numeric fields can be TOTalled, or Averaged, and the "editor" permits the Field by Field changing or addition of records. Note.. This "editing" is very kludgy, but it can work. The major use of this program is to get an interesting file, example: SYSUAF.LIS, and on the first edit, output it to a "local" file, e.g. ">A". Then re-define the input to "A" until the final varsion is obtained. I have defined, in SCI_INF:FILES. a list of "known" files that this program can access by giving the "index" of the files. In my case the first line of this file is: SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.LIS -- The User Authorization file This permits this file to be accessed as "<.1". As usual: Read the beginning of the Program, and the program itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> SPLIT .. A program to Split FORTRAN source at routine boundaries. This is not altered from previous versions, but is included to permit the splitting of the APL.V30 file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> STAT .. An update of the SCI VAX 2.0 Status display. This matches the V3.0 Data structures. Note.. The program must be run with CMEXE priv so that it can get at the various data structures. The main indication that it is not being run in this way is that there is no NULL time. Note.. I could not maintain all the information that was displayed in the V 2.0 status display because: 1) Either DEC has eliminated some of the handles into the system, e.g. those into the Print Queue's and the Page File entries, .. Or .. 2) I could not find sufficient documentation in the code that was on the Distribution Tape. I Suggest that DEC should recognize that programs of this type would be written by users, and try to maintain as much documentation on-line. In Version 2.0 the file LIB.REQ contained most of the data structures in the system. As far as I can find, Before asking at Fall 1982 DECUS, these definitions have been deleted except for those that DEC assumes the user MUST know about. I also tried to get the On-Line / Off-line status of the line printers, but it seems that the status that I could get in GETDEV, did not seem to be right??? I also suggest that DEC permit a user to access the JPI information about the NULL and SWAPPER process rather than requiring the kludge that is in this program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> WORD .. An-other spelling program. This program is in an early stage of developement, but still seems worth having. The program permits the following: 1) Take a file,