TELEX Support Macros This directory contains macros which support the development of TELEX software. However, many of them have global applications in all types of software development using the VMS MACRO-32 assembler. FDVDEF An extensive set of support macros which interface the new FMS Version 2.0 form driver to the MACRO-32 assembly language. Easy to use and relatively efficient (anything is better than COBOL...). LIBDEF Several support macros for interfacing to the VMS run-time library. SCRDEF Support macros for the VMS screen shareable image. SPMDEF Structured constructs and character string support macros. STRDEF Support macros for VMS RTL string routines. TLXDEF TELEX specific macros and initialization constants. VMDEF Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 2 Macros for support of the creation/deletion of linked lists using VMS RTL support routines. Useful for dynamic allocation of memory buffers.