[FERMILAB.FERMIEXE...] This area is basically a copy of the FERMI$EXE (logical name) area on the Fermilab Accelerator VAX's. Under this logical name we store command procedures and utility programs that would otherwise seem to be placed in SYS$SYSTEM:. This is done to keep our non-DEC software separate from the DEC provided software in order to eliminate problems due to similar file names or problems with system upgrades (i.e. to VMS V4.0 next year). The sources for many of the executable images can be found in the [.SOURCES] subdirectory or its subdirectories. Documentation on the programs is found in the sources and in FERMIHELP.HLB which is in the [FERMILAB.SYSHLP] area. Similarly, documentation on the command procedures is found in the help library and in comments at the head of each procedure. Many of the procedures and programs originally came from SIG tapes or from the DECUS library. In several cases the program (or procedure) has been modified to add additional capabilities. We would like to thank the authors of these programs for submitting them to DECUS in the first place. Some of the more interesting files are: 1. Programs to provide process control via foreign commands. These include ABORT, FORCEXIT, RESUME, SUSPEND and WAKE. The commands have the format: $ command[/ID=process-id] [process-name] ABORT and FORCEXIT perform a $FORCEX system service passing as the exit status SS$_ABORT or SS$_OPRABORT respectively. 2. Several of the programs are from the DECUS C tape (AS is the assembler and CC is the C compiler itself). The C compiler has been modified to search logical name RSX$C for include files. Others from the DECUS C tape that are here are AR, BANNER, CCXRF (XRF in disguise), GREP, KWIK, LEX, MC, MP, NM, PR, T, TODAY and WC. 3. BATCH is a command procedure to execute a single command (or a series of commands) as a batch job without the hassle of creating a temporary file and SUBMIT'ing oneself. 4. BURSTF is from a previous SIG tape (unknown) and will burst a file of FORTRAN routines into individual files (one file per subroutine). BURSTF has not been modified. 5. COOKIE is the fortune cookie program from an early copy of the DECUS C tape. The message file is found in [FERMILAB.SYSMSG]. The program to build the message file is MKCOOK (in this area) and documentation can be found in NEWSLIB (in area [FERMILAB.SYSHLP]) under topic COOKIE. Page 2 6. DELTREE is a procedure to delete an entire directory tree. It is interesting in that it recursively invokes itself. 7. DFORK is much like FORK (see below) except it uses detached processes. 8. EDITSET permits a series of EDT line mode commands to be performed one a set of files (may be specified by wildcards). This is useful to perform a substitute command across several files. 9. ETAPE is a program for manipulating foreign tapes, particularly EBCDIC tapes. It came from an earlier SIG tape and is unmodified. 10. FINGER is a replacement for SHOW SYSTEM which also lists the file name of the current image and uses the file SYS$MANAGER:WHO.WHR to list the location of the terminal. The original (may be modified?) came from an earlier SIG tape. 11. FORK is a procedure much like BATCH except that the command is executed in a subprocess. FORK is left over from VMS V2 where it provided some of the functionality now in the SPAWN command. However, FORK is still useful in that it produces a .LOG file containing the output from executing the command(s). 12. FPRETTY is a program to pretty-print a FORTRAN source file. It is unmodified and came from an earlier SIG tape. 13. FTNCODCNT is a program from Fermilab to count the lines of code and comments in a FORTRAN source file. This program will handle wildcards and prepare statistics on a file-by-file basis along with a summary at the end of its execution. 14. FTPRINT is the Formatted Text Printing program from Fermilab. This program is useful to prepare listings of TECO macro files as it replaces non-printing characters with recognizable mnemonics (such as "" for escape characters). FTPRINT will handle wildcards and can add heading lines and line numbers to the output. 15. GETUAF is a DECUS library program to access the UAF file. It has been modified to add additional qualifiers to return information on the various flag bits stored in the UAF (such as the CAPTIVE flag). 16. GTBOOTTIM is a Fermilab program to return the system boot time in a DCL symbol. 17. HELPDOC is a procedure to convert a help library entry into a nicely paginated file for printing as a document. Extra lines listing the help topic name are removed and the output is gathered into pages to avoid splitting 1 line of a paragraph on one page and the rest on the next page. 18. HOME is a procedure to simplify SET DEFAULT. Page 3 19. MACCODCNT is the equivalent of FTNCODCNT for MACRO sources. 20. RESEQ is a program to resequence FORTRAN sources. It is unmodified from a version found on an early SIG tape. 21. RETAB is a program to remove or restore tabs to text files. It is from a SIG tape and is unmodified. 22. SET132 and SET80 are defined as commands of the same name and switch a VT100 between 132-column and 80-column modes. At the same time the terminal characteristics are changed to reflect the new line length. 23. SWINDOW is a procedure to setup the VT100 to fix a portion of the upper part of the screen and use only a specified number of lines at the bottom as a scrolling window. This permits one to keep help text visible while continuing to enter commands. 24. TIME is a time calculation program from the DECUS library. It has been modified to add keywords such as YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW, etc. 25. WHO is the DEC-supplied WHO program from VMS V2. 26. WILDRENAM implements a limited wildcard renaming scheme.