[FERMILAB.SYSMGR...] This area is extracted from SYS$MANAGER: and its subdirectories. The programs and procedures in here are used for managing the system and in many cases should only be used as examples to start from as they are quite site-specific. [.SYSMGR] Included in this level are the following files: 1. BIGEDTINI.EDT is the initializer for the BIGEDT command (see SYLOGIN.COM) which starts EDT to edit a 132-column file. 2. EDTINI.EDT is the normal EDT initializer (see the EDT command in SYLOGIN.COM) file. It defines several addition keys we have found useful as shorthands. 3. DPYLOGIN is the login procedure for the DISPLAY turnkey user. The DISPLAY user is only permitted to execute various system displays. See SYSUAF.LIS for the DISPLAY account parameters. 4. GREETINGS provides system greetings for users from the system-wide login procedure, SYLOGIN. 5. GUESTLGIN is the login procedure for the GUESTUSER turnkey account. See SYSUAF.LIS for the account parameters. THe GUESTUSER account is permitted to perform various non-invasive actions but is not a fully general VMS user. 6. LOGIN is the login procedure for the SYSTEM and SYSMANAGER accounts on our systems. SYSMANAGER is the same as the SYSTEM account but various of the "dangerous" privileges have been removed. SYSTEM is normally used only to install new software and system updates. 7. LOGOUTUSR is the login procedure for the LOGOUT account. Fermilab's port selector is setup to send a LOGOUT to the Accelerator VAX's in certain cases. The LOGOUT user was created to avoid an infinite loop problem. 8. MGRLOGIN is a common login procedure called from LOGIN by the system manager and several other user accounts to provide common symbol and logical name definitions. 9. OPRLOGIN is the login procedure for the OPERATOR turnkey account. This is a privileged account and provides limited access for non-privileged users to system operator functions. The functions themselves are implemented by the procedures in the [.OPERATOR] subdirectory. In addition, online help is available in the OPRHELP.HLB library stored in that subdirectory. A document about this account can be found in the [.DOCUMENTS] area of this submission. 10. SYLOGIN is the system-wide login command procedure and provides symbol and logical name defintions for all users. Page 2 11. SYSHUTDWN is the site-specific system shutdown procedure and is included as an example. 12. SYSTARTUP is the Fermilab Accelerator Control System site-specific system startup procedure (provided as an example). Due to its increasing size, this procedure was split into parts with called procedures stored in the [.STARTUP] subdirectory. The single set of procedures provide common support for the startup of either our Operational (as part of the control system) VMS system or the Development VMS system (on the backup processor). The Operational System uses only the removeable media disk drives and is setup to have the system and user disks mounted on any of the possible drives (all RM03's for now). 13. WHO.WHR is the list of terminal locations used by the FINGER program. [.SYSMGR.BOOTS] This area contains copies of the boot procedures from our console floppies. The "VcuBOO.CMD" files boot VMS from disk unit "u" on controller "c". Similary the "ScuBOO.CMD" files boot the Diagnostic Supervisor from disk unit "u" on controller "c" and "BcuBOO.CMD" will boot Standalone BACKUP (store in system root [.SYSE...]) from a similarly specified disk. The "DLnBOO.CMD" files will boot Standalone BACKUP from an RL02 disk on drive "n" (stored in the [SYSEXE] area). The .HLP files are editted versions of the help files on the console floppies. The edits converted most of the uppercase characters to lower case and cleaned up the formats. [.SYSMGR.OPERATOR] This area contains the procedures called from the OPERATOR login procedure (OPRLOGIN.COM) for the various "operator" commands. Online system operator help entries are stored in the OPRHELP.HLB library. [.SYSMGR.STARTUP] This subdirectory contains the remainder of the system startup procedure broken into manageable pieces. They are included here as examples for other system managers. [.SYSMGR.UTILITIES] This subdirectory contains many command procedures useful to a system manager. Several of them are invoked by procedures in the [.OPERATOR] subdirectory or in the [.STARTUP] subdirectory. Others are batch jobs, in some cases executed on a regular repeated basis by self-submittal (the system startup insures that a known set of every day, week and monthly batch jobs are queued). Virtually all the procedures are described by comments at their start. A quick perusal of the procedures reveals: Page 3 1. ADDUSER is a procedure to ease the burden of adding new users to the system. It invokes the ACCOUNTS.JOB batch job to finish up after adding one or more users by setting up several subsidiary files we use. 2. ALLOCDISK will allocate a single disk drive from a list of possible disk drives permitting a specially-limited case of a generic device allocation. 3. BATQUEDEL permits batch jobs to be deleted from the SYS$BATCH queue based on their batch job name rather than the entry number. 4. CHANGEUIC will change a user's UIC including the owner UIC of his files. 5. CHGOWNERS will change the owner all files on a disk from one UIC to another. This is used by the CHANGEUIC procedure to change the file owner UIC's after changing the user's UAF UIC. 6. DISKQUOTA is used to extract the current disk quotas and prepare a command procedure which can be used to restore QUOTA.SYS or can be editted to modify a setup of quotas at once. 7. DISKUSAGE prepares a report on current disk space usage by user for a specified disk. 8. EVERYMNTH, EVERYWEEK and EVERYNITE are batch jobs which are run every month (on the 1st), every week (at 00:00 Monday morning) and every nite at midnight. The .JOB files handle the resubmittal for repeated reruns and the .COM files handle the actions to be performed. The .COM files can be freely editted without having to delete and resubmit the batch job (because the batch queue remembers a file by file id rather than by file name). These files are useful templates for setting up similar jobs for another site. 9. FILOWNERS creates a list of all files owned by a particular user on a specified disk. 10. FINDAPID returns the process id of a process specified by name. Optionally a group number can be specified to find a particular process, else the first process whose name matches is returned. 11. GETUSRWS will prepare a command procedure of AUTHORIZE commands to modify the working set parameters for all the users. The USRWSMOD.TEC file is used by TECO to read a SYSUAF.LIS file and edit it into the output format. This is useful when doing a "global" adjustment of user's working set parameters. 12. LGINSAMPL is the sample login procedure placed in the default directory of newly added user accounts. 13. LISTFILES uses the FTPRINT program to prepare listings of the various command procedures and TECO files stored on our system. It is easily modified for any site to serve a similar purpose in preparing reference listings of text files. Page 4 14. LPADOWN performs queue manipulations to mark a particular line printer as down or back in operation. When marking the printer as down, the print jobs queued to it are switched to another printer. 15. MODSQUOTA allows the system manager to modify a user's disk quota by specifying the user by name rather than UIC. 16. NEWOWNER will change the owner UIC of all files in a complete subdirectory tree beneath one or more UFD's. The UIC's of the files are set to that of the owner of the UFD-level directory and propagated on down the tree. 17. OBTTSETUP and the ONLBAKxxx files are used by the OPERATOR account to perform online backups (both full and incremental to tape and full disk-to-disk copies) of the system and user disks on the Fermilab Accelerator VAX's. They can serve as templates for other sites setting up such procedures. 18. PRIJOBREL releases one or more named print jobs from their hold state. This replaces the use of the entry number (job number) required with the SET QUEUE command. 19. PRIQUEDEL is similar to PRIJOBREL and BATQUEDEL in that it deletes print jobs by name rather than entry number. 20. STOPBYNAM will stop a process specified by its name rather than its process id. 21. SYSDMPJOB is used at system startup time to save the system crash dump on tape. It is submitted as a batch job and tests the system dump file to see if it has already been saved or if the system shutdown was done at operator request. In either of those cases, the batch job just exits and does not attempt to save the crash dump. 22. TOUSER will change the default directory and UIC to that of another user. 23. UFDOWNER will change the owner UIC of a User File Directory (UFD). The UIC can either be set to the UIC associated with a named user account or to an explicitly provided UIC. 24. SYSMGRHLP is a help library used by the MGRHELP command defined in the system manager's login procedure. This library contains information on using many of the system manager utility procedures and programs. In addition, information on the standard procedures in SYS$UPDATE (such as STABACKIT) is available in this library along with notes on such things as maintaining Standalone BACKUP on the system disk.