Maintenance - adding a tool: (instructions for the manager of vmstools) 1) Execute THEWORKS.COM, then check to be sure that the new tool would not redefine any symbols or logical names already in use. 2) Copy the tool to MISCTLS:, or an appropriate subdirectory of VMSTOOLS:. 3) Add a couple sentences to this file, under CONTENTS, giving the name of the tool and a brief description and the author's name. 4) If the tool is a one-of-a-kind tool, add any symbol definitions and/or logical name definitions needed to MISC.COM. Whenever possible, however, identify groups of related tools and use step 5 instead. 5) For groups of related tools (especially command files), create a command file which defines all the symbols and logical names needed by the group. Edit THEWORKS.COM to invoke this file, and be sure to mention this file in CONTENTS. This file should define a logical name by which to refer to the directory (and in doing so should only depend on the logical name vmstools). 6) Type "DELETE/SYM/LOCAL/ALL" to delete all local symbols(!). This must be done manually since a command file cannot delete interactive-level local symbols. 7) Make sure that the logical name VMSTOOLS is properly assigned, since it is needed in the following step. 8) Execute VMSTOOLS:TEST.COM, then confirm that the new tool works correctly. TEST.COM calls AMNESIA.COM to erase all symbol definitions and logical names, then calls THEWORKS.COM to establish the full-blown environment. 9) Another useful test is to check that the new tool works under the guest account.