d [VAXS83.MENU]AAAREADME.TXT , MENU V3 Inmos Menu Processor for VAX/VMS 3.0   X I. Procedure Description   The MENU processor is designed to provide a common format for all  application systems implementations in an environment that is easily  controlled and modified by systems developers. L  The MENU processor provides a user-friendly interface with the  VAX/VMS operating system allowing application users to perform x a pre-determined set of operations related to their job function  in a manner allowing maximum ease of use and absolute security. @  The procedure LOGMENU.COM is invoked by ALOGIN.COM for non-systems  users. Software development users enter the VAX environment thru l the DLOGIN.COM ( both controlling command procedures are specified  in the User Authorization LGICMD specification. 4  To assist in the compatibility and transportability of software  a comprehensive set of Logical Assignment Standards was devised ` and implemented by Inmos Corporation and all device/directory references in the MENU processor incorporate logical assignments. ( Detailed documentation on the MENU processor is provided in [MENU]AAAREADME.DOC T The following supplemental procedures and excutable are provided :  ASSIGNSYS.COM Sample System Logical Assignment Procedure ALOGIN.COM Application Login Control Procedure H DLOGIN.COM Software Development Login Control Procedure LOGMENU.COM The MENU processor  LOGICAL.COM Sample Application Logical Assignment t LOGICAL.FLO Flow Diagram of the implementation process  LOGICAL.DOC The Inmos Corporation Logical Assignment Standards < ISSL001A.EXE Provides 'unique' user version number for process  ISSZ9990.COM Allows 'G' function for logical assignments  BATCHU.COM Displays SYS$BATCH,LONGRUN from MENU h PRINTU.COM Displays SYS$PRINT,LPA0 from MENU  SHOWOPT.COM Display MENU 'alpha' selection options 0 INMOSNET.COM Allows DECNET traversal from MENU  SENDMAIL.COM Allows access to MAIL from MENU  \  II. Contact $   Author: B. Lee Jones P INMOS Corporation  P.O. Box 16000  Colorado Springs, CO 80935 | (303) 630-4226  TWX 910 920 4904 D