[VAX83A.NSWC]AAAREADME.TXT 1. MIRACLE MESSAGE PROGRAM -------------------------- Prints specified text in large letters (capitals are 2.7 inches tall), four rows at a time, vertically 'down the page'. Spacing is proportional; characters are even overlapped to equalize white space (e.g. the '4' in '74' is tucked under the '7'). Vertical and Italic Roman fonts are available. For proper proportions, the printer must be set to print at eight lines per inch. Additional formats are available on LA120 DECwriters. Submitted by: ALAN L. ZIRKLE NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER CODE K105 DAHLGREN, VIRGINIA 22448 To see an example, print MMSAMPLE.LIS at eight lines per inch with /NOFEED. For further information, see MIRACLE.DOC. 2. MONITOR.COM -------------- Simplifies running of the DCL MONITOR command. Provides a menu display and simplified invocation of the various MONITOR dis- plays. Contains screen-formatting escape sequences specific to VT100-compatible terminals. The procedure's default MONITOR display (currently PROCESSES/TOPCPU) can be changed, if desir- ed. This originally came from DEC Educational Services, Wash- ington, D.C. Suggested usage: $ MON*ITOR == "@[VAX83A.NSWC]MONITOR" ! in LOGIN.COM $ MON ! to use it