********************************* AAAREADME.TXT for [VAX83A.RRC...] ********************************* The submissions in this subtree have been made by Reliance Electric Company. The contents are hereby released to the public domain. No warranty, express or implied, is provided for this software. Some portions of the software may affect system security or performance. Be sure that you understand what you are adding! [VAX83A.RRC.COM] This directory contains some command procedures. They are probably not very useful as they stand, but some of the techniques used may be of interest. [VAX83A.RRC.COM.BACKUP] System backup command procedure and supporting files. [VAX83A.RRC.DTR32.DISK] DTR definitions for tracking disk usage. The database is updated automatically each week and the results can be plotted on any line printer 132 columns wide. Includes a domain that maps the DISKQUOTA file. Please read all of the warning before using this! [VAX83A.RRC.DTR32.FUNCTIONS] Before you can use any of these DTR things, you must update your DTRFND.MAR to include some new functions. The functions added are: FN$STR_TRIM( string ) FN$OCT( integer ) FN$OCT_DEC( string ) FN$HEX_DEC( string ) FN$GET_SYMBOL( string ) FN$SET_SYMBOL( string1, string2, integer ) UPDATE.COM will update a DTR32 V1.3 DTRFND.MAR for you. [VAX83A.RRC.DTR32.PORTS] DTR definitions for tracking ports and associated information. The domain is used by SYLOGIN.COM to determine which print queue to use for each terminal. [VAX83A.RRC.DTR32.TICKLER] DTR definitions for a reminder system. This project was never polished. Some of the tricks are worth checking, e.g., reading selected MAIL messages into domains. It can show you all the things you have to do today, this week, ... . [VAX83A.RRC.DTR32.USERS] DTR definitions for tracking who's who. Username to full name and other useful conversions. A group of procedures are included that will check to see who has (not) changed their password since whenever. Includes a domain that maps SYSUAF.DAT. Please read all of the warnings before using this! [VAX83A.RRC.VT100] A daemon that clears unused VT100 screens. An simple example of MACRO programming, and a useful utility. A companion utility can send a time delay through a mailbox requesting that CLEAR hold off for a time. This allows broadcast messages to remain visible as long as desired. Seth Stern Reliance Electric Company RRC-1 24703 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44117 (216) 266-6721