[VAX83D.RESTRICT]AAAREADME.TXT TO: All Vax Users. FROM: James Greer and Bob Moe K N Energy Lakewood Colorado 80251 phone (303) 989-1740 SUBJECT: Image security or how to keep certain users from compiling fortran programs. EQUIP.: VAX 11/780 DATE: 20 OCTOBER 1983 ____________________________________________________________________________ This system allows the system administrator to regulate which of his users are allowed to use the fortran compiler. With a few minor changes, this system can be expanded to other compilers, editors, and commands. The flow of the system starts with SYS$MANAGER:SYSLOGIN.COM, all of the logins on the system use SYSLOGIN.COM when logging into the system. Therefore, this is a logical place to put in a security bug. SYSLOGIN.COM runs the command procedure RESTRICT.COM. This command procedure checks a security list of the users who are and are not allow the privilege of using the fortran compiler. If the name of the user is found in the VMSUSER.TXT, the logical F*ORTRAN :== @SYS$MANAGER:VIOLATION.COM is set for that persons login. Therefore not allowing that login to compile fortran programs. The command procedure VIOLATION.COM when run sends a message to the operator, that a violation has occured, and sends a message to the user that this is not an allow function.