[VAX83D.TCOPY]AAAREADME.TXT The TCOPY program in this directory is submitted by the Space Science Division of the Naval Research Laboratory. TCOPY performs tape to tape copies of foreign mounted tapes. The source tape(s) may be either labeled or unlabeled in any format with record lengths up to 64000 bytes. We us TCOPY primarily for changing tape densities. TCOPY uses the subroutine package (TAPESUBS and TRNALL) submitted in the [TAPESUBS] directory of the VAX82A symposium tape by Thomas W. Danforth of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Operating instructions: $ ALLOCATE MTAx: ITAPE $ ALLOCATE MTAy: OTAPE $ MOUNT/FOREIGN ITAPE $ INITIALIZE/DENSITY=z OTAPE LABEL $ MOUNT/FOREIGN/DENSITY=z OTAPE $ RUN TCOPY Questions about the use of this program may be referred to: Tom Chewning Naval Research Laboratory Space Science Division Code 4105 Washington, D.C. 20375 202-767-2651