ZDEC (Zero-out Device Error Count) sets the error count field in the device UCB (UCB$W_ERRCNT) to 0. This program requires CMKRNL privilege, and executes at elevated IPL to lock the I/O database.  To execute this program a symbol should be set as follows:   $ ZDEC :== $mydisk:[mydir]ZDEC To run ZDEC, enter: $ ZDEC [/OVERRIDE] device where device designates a device. Logical names are accepted and translated. If the device is allocated (that is, if the owner field in the UCB is non-zero), then ZDEC exits without changing the error count, unless the /OVERRIDE qualifier is used.  Note that ZDEC does NOT zero out counts for CPU or MEMORY errors.  ZDEC was developed under VMS Version 3, and will probably fail under Version 4. The author plans to support ZDEC and re-submit it when Version 4 is available.  ZDEC has proven useful in zeroing out error counts without re-booting the operating system.