Areas: CPM: General area for CP/M (NOT file-transfer,NOT games) MSDOS: MSDOS-related programs SYSLIB: CPM-based SYSIB3 GAMES: all games - any language [except C-language based] MODEM: File-transfer program for RBBSes, BBSes KERMIT: File-transfer program TOPS: TOPS-20 programs to handle CP/M stuff ZCPR: ZCPR2 for CP/M CC: any CP/M related programs written in C SMALLC: Ron Cains small C Rainbow: Rainbow CP/M support MS-RB: Rainbow MS-DOS support FIDO: Rainbow [/MSDOS] based BBS system-software DIR CPM: will give you list of all stuff in area CPM: DIR CPM:*.COM lists all COM-files