Length.txt This system keeps files in "pages" - contents of storage can be any byte-size Typically for the MICRO-environment, text-files here a kept in 7-bit bytes - and executables in 8-bit bytes. (Don't get confused if You see every-once in a while 36-bit bytes - thats our "native" storage-mode). DIR xx:yy.zz (see COMMANDS.TXT) shows You only FILE.EXT (we order alphabetical and dont repeat FILE, if the file-name stays the same.) - Also disregard the field after the EXT - its a "generation number". VD xx:yy.zz is the Verbose DIR - it shows PAGES and BYTE-sizes. You can convert 7-bit allocation here to K's locally by multiplying the PAGEs by 2.5 . For 8-bit allocation here multiply the PAGEs here by 2 .