Dallas/Fort Worth Local Users Group The following are the contributions from the DFWLUG for fall of 1985. Located in [.ALLIEDELC] subdirectory is a submission from Allied Electronics. This submission consists of a group of subroutines written in VAX BASIC V2.3, comprising a system allowing the (relatively) simple usage of the new VAX Screen Management System under VMS version 4.2. Also included is a demonstration program using it. With this system, a programmer can create up to 10 virtual displays and manipulate them quite simply, by keeping track of the sequence number of the intended virtual display (1 through 10) and passing that number as an argument in the subroutine call. Specific information about the routines, as well as argument layouts and more detailed explanations, are to be found in SMGDOC.MEM, which is included in the submission. Located in the [.ATT] subdirectory is a submission from AT&T Technologies which will provide the user information about this environment. Located in the [.MOBIL] subdirectory is a submission from Mobil Oil which will extract the current up-time for the system and define a global symbol with that time stored. Located in the [.TECHDEVEL] subdirectory is a submission from Technology Development Corp. which will provide a output of the amount of disk space you have left on the disks mounted on your system as well as a re-sumission of the SNAPSHOT program which has been reworded a bit to run V4.x of VMS. In addition, there is a submission which will allow you to enable/disable a terminal a 'operator' and also a program which will show you which terminals are currently enabled as 'operator'.