.DESKDAMV Desk accessory Install with CE's Desk Accessory Mover. .FFILFMOV (Old) Font doc Install with Apple's Font Mover or Font/DA mover. .FFILDMOV (New) Font doc Install with Apple's Font/DA mover. .DFILDMOV Desk accessory Install with Apple's FONT/DA mover. .WORDMACA MacWrite .TEXTMACA TEXT,MacWrite .TEXTBnHq BinHex .CLWDCLWI Click-on Worksheet .CWIFCWIM ConcertWare inst .FGHTCWAR CoreWars .XLBNXCEL Excel Worksheet .XLPGXCEL Excel Plot .PICBTELO FactFinder .1STDM1ST FirstBase .ICRFICAR Icon Switcher .JDBSJAZZ Jazz Database .JGRFJAZZ Jazz Graph .JWPDJAZZ Jazz WP .DRWGMACD MacDraft .PICTMDRW MacDraw Pict .MPRDMPRJ MacProject .PNTGMPNT .ISAMFILE Microsoft File .MPBNPLAN Microsoft Multiplan .OM$LOM$$ Omnis 3 Library .PIT PIT Packit .PFSFJANE pfs:File .SWITSWIT Switcher .STWKDMST StatWorks .TKSMTKSR TK!Solver .MUSCMMMU MusicWorks .TEXTTANK ThinkTank .TEXTDOYL TEXT,MacPublisher .TEXTPASC TEXT,MacPascal .MSBAMSBA TEXT,MSBasic v1 .TEXTMSBA TEXT,MSBasic 2d This program was saved as TEXT .TEXTMSBB MSBasic 2b Created with binary version of MS-Basic version 2.0, saved as TEXT. Can be listed with the MACSnVAX "TYPE" command and loaded into a word processor or either BASIC (subject to arithmetic precision considerations) .MSBBMSBA MSBasic 2d Created with the decimal version of MS-Basic version 2.0 or MS-Basic 1.0. Saved as COMPRESSED, not compatible with any other programs. .MSBCMSBB MSBasic 2b Created with the binary version of MS-Basic version 2.0. Saved as COMPRESSED, not compatible with any other programs. .MSBPMSBA Prot,MSBasic 2d MS-Basic v1 or v2 (decimal) program, saved as PROTECTED. Not compatible with any other programs.. .MSBDMSBB Prot,MSBasic 2b MS-Basic v2 (binary) program, saved as PROTECTED. Not compatible with any other programs. .TEXTWORD TEXT,MS Word .WDBNWORD Microsoft Word .GLOSWORD MS Word glossary .WPRDWORD MS Word driver Printer driver for Microsoft Word. .TEXTTERM TEXT,MacTerminal .TEXT____ Text document .APPL____ Application . Generic document (Probably created by MS BASIC version 1)