N O R T H E A S T E R N U N I V E R S I T Y This directory tree is from: Rand P. Hall Northeastern Univ. College of Engineering 275SN 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, Ma. 02115 (617) 473-4430 BACKUP - another backup procedure GAMES - menu driven (smg) game manager Librarian's note: I replaced the version of EMPIRE submitted with a newer, much nicer version. GETWS - executable version of getws.com, displays working set stats MISC - misc. junk NEWS - faster version of RIT's NEWS program QUEMON - batch queue manager QUEST - patched version of QUEST REMINDER - patched version of REMINDER SACK - latest version of SACK, controlled privileged environment SB - limitted login duration enforcer STARTUP - prompting systartup.com