RCA FALL 1985 Collection This tree contains the AnalytiCalc spreadsheet current as of Dec. 2, 1985 for both PDP11 and VAX. The .OLB files are present to facilitate use on VAX sites without Fortran compilers. To build from objects look in [.PCCOBJ]*.BLD for instructions. To build from source, I recommend using the procedure [.PCCUNV]PCCMAKIVD.COM if you have DTR-32, or [.PCCUNV]PCCMAKIV.COM if you DON'T have DTR-32. The documents and the older VAX version (with a FEW very minor bug fixes) are in [.PCCVDOC]. The [.PCCUNV] subdirectory contains both PDP11 and VAX versions with all functionality. This release adds line fitting, FFT, and weekday arithmetic, plus a project scheduler and a set of utilities for accesssing DIF files and some other utility odds and ends. The extras can be used for data management and database access. Also supported is a bidirectional interface between AnalytiCalc and DTR-32 and an address space of 32000 rows and 32000 columns. (!) In using, BE SURE to copy [.PCCUNV.AUXKPD]*.* somewhere and assign it as DK: so that the auxiliary keypad keys will work as specified!!! Also be sure to SET TERM /NOLINE in VMS V4.x before using or the arrow keys won't work right. The [.DTCVAX] subdirectory has Charles Garman's version of Desktop Calendar for the VAX. It has numerous useful and handy features and deserves a look. The [.PCCVDOC] directory has the manuals and the older VAX version of AnalytiCalc. It works (even a bit better than the spring '85 one did) but is less capable and slightly slower than the new one, so I discourage its use. The [.PCCOBJ] directory is the .OLB files for AnalytiCalc. Note that if you build the normal VMS AnalytiCalc and you DON'T have DTR-32 you need to replace DTRIF.OBJ into PCCX.OLB and then extract everything and link. Read the instructions in *.BLD in that directory. Please. The [.RSXSDRV] directory is short and has a couple DL11 comm drivers for RSX11S (one send, one receive) and an update to Window (very minor). Only sources are supplied. A version of Window to use the PTY driver is in the works but not far enough along to supply this time around. It will support up to 10 VT100 type windows. Glenn Everhart