Press Ctrl-s to pause, Ctrl-q to resume or Ctrl-o to skip welcome UBBS is owned and operated by the University of Arkansas at Little Rock department of Computing Services. It is running on a Digital VAX 11/780 which makes it, to the best of our knowledge, the first supermini BBS in the state. The system operator is Dale Miller. Please address mail to me or use the (P)rivate message function if you need assistance. UBBS recognizes the following control characters: Control-o Skip to end of section Control-q Resumes output after a pause Control-s Pauses output Control-u Delete to beginning of line (on entry) Control-x Same as Control-u Backspace Delete last character typed Delete Delete last character typed ************************************************************************* Due to abuse of UBBS, as of 14-Nov-1985 all users must be approved before being allowed to leave messages. Please use the (P) option to leave me a method and times to call you. <>