This directory contains some programs that will help you to "contiguize" a fragmented file. There are basically 3 Digital-supplied methods of allocating disk space: 1. /CONTIGUOUS which will fail if the entire allocation quantity is unavailable as one piece. 2. /CONTIGUOUS_BEST_TRY won't fail, but will give up if it can't allocate the space in 3 pieces or less. When CBT gives up, it resorts to method number 3. No message is given if it gives up. 3. (Default) Space is allocated starting at the beginning of the disk and continuing until enough space is allocated. The programs contained here provide you with some tools to implement your own space allocation scheme. The original program, BIGCONTIG.ORIGINAL came from the Digital Software Information Network. All DSIN articles are copyrighted, but we were enthusiastically granted permision to distribute the article on the SIG tape. As mentioned, it is available via DSIN (I think it was filed under Symptoms and solutions, VMS 4.n, keyword = CONTIGUOUS.) The program was written by Ken Blaylock and Jerry Wood of the Digital Customer Support Center in Colorado Springs. The full title of the DSIN article is, "Example Program To Find Largest Contiguous Space On A Disk". The program works by first finding out how big the disk is. It then uses an ACP QIO to create a file that is as large as the entire disk. Unless you have a very empty disk, the create will fail (if through some quirk the file gets created, the program will delete it.) The program then prints a message telling how big the largest contiguous space is. If you have quotas enabled on your disk, you will need EXQUOTA privilege to run the program. Presumably a very large quota would also do. For my own use, I changed the program into a subroutine which is passed the name of the disk and returns the largest contiguous space. The subroutine is in the file BIGCONTIG.MAR. A main program that drives the subroutine and handles the user interogation is in CONTIGUIZE.MAR. CONTIGUIZE makes repeated calls to the subroutine to find out how big the remaining largest free space on the disk is. It then allocates that space for the output file. This is repeated until there is enough space allocated to the output file. The input file is then copied to the output file. *** NOTE *** This program should not be used indiscriminately, since it tends to gobble up the large pieces of contiguous space on your disk which might be needed later. I recommend that you only use it for performance-critical files and only as a work-around until you can compress your disk. For most people, CONTIGUIZE will have to be installed with EXQUOTA privilege. The command syntax for CONTIGUIZE is: $ CONTIGUIZE[/switches] input_file [output_file] Where "/switches" can be any of the following: /ALLOCATE=nnnn Instructs contiguize to pre-allocate "nnnn" blocks of space for the output file. Default is input file size. /[NO]SHOW_COUNT Instructs CONTIGUIZE to display a log of its activity. Default is to display the log. "input_file" is the name of the file that is to be "contiguized". "output_file" is the name of the "contiguized" output file. If "output_file" is omitted, the output file will have the same name but higher version as the input file. You are free to contact me regarding these programs at: Roger Jenkins Wycliffe Bible Translators 19891 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach, CA 92703 (714) 536-9346 TCOPY is a fast tape to tape copy utility which is double buffered. On dual controller systems, it moves the tape with amazing speed. It asks what devices to use and is quite reliable.