SEDT This is SEDT, the souped-up EDT for VMS. It comes from A. Berg-Sonne and works on VAX/VMS and also there exists an MSDOS version. Its advantages are: * It's blindingly fast * It supports multibuffer editing * It supports insert and overstrike editing * It's programmable * It supports rulers (and indeed supports a WPS keypad as well as an EDT one) and can do autowrap and autojustify as well as autofill. It uses a keypad very similar to EDT. It does NOT understand EDTINI.EDT files though; it's command language is a bit different. But on VT100 or VT200 series terminals it runs VERY well. Note: The VT100 keypad defs were modified so Gold I,J,K,L are switch to buffers 0,1,2, or 3 and Gold G is get file.