The [FLEETWOOD...] directory structure contains programs and command procedures which we use at Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. and thought might be of general use to the VAX public at large. If you have any questions, suggestions, or improvements please address them to: Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. Sr. Software Support Specialist 3125 Myers Street Riverside, CA 92523 Tel: (714) 351-3682 The following is a general description of the contents of each of the directories in the structure: Directory DSK:[FLEETWOOD] The main directory. It contains a directory listing of the structure, this file, and the .DIRs of the rest of the structure. Directory DSK:[FLEETWOOD.AUTODIAL] A set of procedures to implement autodialing on MICOM and RACAL-VADIC modems at 1200 and 2400 baud. It is implemented entirely in FORTRAN and DCL (no need to know MACRO). Directory DSK:[FLEETWOOD.DOSUB] A COBOL subroutine to implement a re-usable subprocess from a high level language. For more information see session V076: Re-using VMS Subprocesses from the Fall '86 DECUS Symposium. Directory DSK:[FLEETWOOD.GET_PIC] A set of programs which enable users with a VT240/VT241 to print any of their graphics on an LN03. Directory DSK:[FLEETWOOD.MISC] A set of standalone command procedures and programs we find useful. Directory DSK:[FLEETWOOD.STOPUSER] A FORTRAN program which allows you to stop processes via their USERNAME rather than their PID. It tells you what program is being run and asks you for confirmation. Directory DSK:[FLEETWOOD.TOPDSKUSR] A FORTRAN program and command procedure which will allow you to report on users who are using more than "n" amount of disk space on a disk. This is handy if you do not have quotas implemented.