Files in Fermilab NET user interface AAAREADME.TXT - Product overview GENERATE.COM - Forms NET.FOR and NET.CDC from NET.PRE HISTORY.LOG - Maintenance and developement journal INDEX.TXT - File contents INSTALL.COM - Install NET.EXE for public use at Fermilab NET.CDC - 6/12 ASCII for use on CYBER, from NET.PRE NET.EXE - Copy of executable program NET NET.FOR _ Fortran for VAX use, derived from NET.PRE NET.PRE - Multi-machine version of NET source NETNODE.COM - Menu procedure to change node names NETNODE.DAT - Controls NET selection of node names Subdirectories PRE - Routines for preparing the NET.CDC and NET.FOR system versions from NET.PRE OLD - Old versions of installed NET program versions V1 - Old versions of the Version 1 NET procedures, now obsolete. DOC - Documents and memos