[LIB.SIX12]HISTORY.LIS 22 OCT 85 A. KREYMER Created SETUP procedure, modified .HLP to refer to [LIB.SIX12] Created AAAREADME.TXT file. 31 DEC 1984 A. KREYMER Change OPEN statements for input files in ATOD and DTOA to include READONLY parameter. This allows access to read-permitted files. 3 DEC 1984 A. KREYMER Drop parity bits from input to ATOD and DTOA 20 OCT 1984 A. KREYMER Process command line parameters in SIX12.COM 10 OCT 1984 A. KREYMER Correct spelling errs ni SIX12.COM. Nobody's perfect. 18 JUL 1984 A. KREYMER Increase record and buffer size to 512 characters. Use MAXLIN parameter in OPEN statements. Not used in CHARACTER*512 statements. 18 JUL 1984 A. KREYMER Create account, move DTOA and ATOD files from [LIB.NET.ASCII] Write procedure to run appropriate conversion program from or to the Cyber 6/12 ASCII encoding scheme. This conversion allows 6/12 ASCII files to be NETted in DISPLAY mode to/from the Cybers, with conversions to or from ASCII being done on the VAX, rather than with FCOPY on the Cybers. SIX12.COM installed and tested.