FNAL::[LIB.USERGUIDE]HISTORY.LIS 26 MAY 86 A. Kreymer BITNET - Corrected JNET% address form description (exclude ::) 23 JAN 86 A. Kreymer Have installed new product, printed memo for library. COVER.QMS is Fermi-logo cover sheet, for printing on Talaris printers Has repeat-code set to 1. Change to larger number for more copies. 20 DEC 1985 A. Kreymer Brought up to date for VMS 4.2 Deleted NETWORK item, duplicated BITNET and DECnet items. Removed STAFF from Publish procedure. Too volatile. 23 APR 1985 A. Kreymer Clone directory to [KREYMER] for VMS4 upgrade work. Modifying most all help libraries to reflect current policies, and the changes coming at VMS4. 25 MAR 1985 A. Kreymer Delete BULL subdirectory, now obsolete Create VMS4 subdirectory for work on that userguide. Clone all files from main directory. 2 MAR 1985 A. Kreymer Add CVC,ESL,LEBRUN to Applications, drop COHEN,GANNON 7 FEB 1985 A. Kreymer Correct spelling error BITJOB->BIGJOB in NET.HLP 10 JAN 1985 A. Kreymer Revise NET.HLP to reflect NET 2.1 just installed 5 DEC 1984 A. Kreymer Add info to BATCH on SHO QUE/BAT/FUL to show queue info. 28 NOV 1984 A. Kreymer Add REB to STAFF listing, drop NICINSKI, RITCHIE 20 NOV 1984 A. Kreymer Drop to Two tapes in TAPES.HLP, per current hardware. 3 NOV 1984 A. Kreymer Added ARGUS paragraph to LOGIN 2 NOV 1984 A. Kreymer Added TAPES item. Revised BATCH warnings. 24 OCT 1984 A. Kreymer Added /COM="WRITE" to MOUNT description in TAPES 23 OCT 1984 A. Kreymer Corrected spelling of failse in NET.HLP Set HM's username to ***** pending account, in STAFF 17 OCT 1984 A. Kreymer Revised HELP.HLP 7 OCT 1984 A. Kreymer Modified PUBLISH to add terminal page command, modified PREPUB to produce .hl .lt ..... .el format Added items ACCOUNTS, BACKUPS, PRINTER, SCRATCH, STAFF, TELL derived and modified from the BULLTEL help library. Added JARGON item, censored and with FNAL level 1 item. Copied it from FERMI$HELP:JARGON.HLB 2 OCT 1984 A. Kreymer Install GRIPE item in the guide. 20 SEP 1984 A. Kreymer Revise all items, bringing to standard format. Implementing PUBLISH.COM procedure to do most of work to prepare printed User's Guide. Install LOGIN item. 4 SEP 1984 A. Kreymer Rephrase NET.HLP to clarify PRINT option, and nature of remote node. 9 AUG 1984 A. Kreymer Reword NET re. SIX12-on-the-VAX Correct 'direcectory' spelling in LIBRARY.HLP 8 AUG 1984 A. Kreymer Insert a LIBRARY item in USERGUIDE, per printed. Correct HYPERchannel spelling in NET.HLP 7 AUG 1984 A. Kreymer Install NOVICE item, per BURCH suggestion. Rearrange HELP item. USERGUIDE is now installed as an alternate help library. 2 AUG 1984 A. Kreymer BATCH.HLP now mention NET link to CDC, priority of interactive support. 25 JUL 1984 A. Kreymer Prepare NETQ.LIS version of NET.HLP, for QMS laser printer tests. 18 JUL 1984 A. Kreymer Bring NET up to date, include Cyber access mode argument per BB, and mention SIX12 procedure for file conversion to/from Cyber 6/12 format. 27 JUN 1984 A. Kreymer Make mods per J.N. et al comments, in preparation for FCCF User Guide. Add LOGIN.HLP item, expanding on JN item. Still need LIBRARY item. 25 JUN 1984 A. Kreymer Transfer files to [LIB.USERGUIDE] Write WELCOME item.