KILL To execute the KILL program, you just use the RUN command or set up a symbol for this. The list of current processes will be displayed. Use the following to position the cursor to the process that you wish to act upon: UPARROW - Moves cursor up one line DOWNARROW - Moves cursor down one line CTRL^F - Moves cursor forward an entire page CTRL^B - Moves cursor backware an entire page CTRL^Z - QUIT To "select" a process, hit the RETURN. The process will then become highlighted. A prompt will appear asking for a function. This function can also be chosen to act upon the process at the position of the cursor without hitting the RETURN first. The following functions have been implemented: S - SHOW PROCESS/CONTINUOUS for monitoring process T - Show TOPCPU processes A - ABORT process after verification of intentions You may retrieve more current process information by resampling the system with the following: CTRL^R - Resample system processes By default, all critical system processes will be filtered out and not displayed. This will avoid potentially aborting such processes. There are two arrays used for this purpose that should be modified for each application. One array lists the critical processes to be filtered and the other lists usernames for which you want to override the filtering procedure (i.e., users with SYSPRIV). ****** NOTE ****** Two arrays and two variables need to be modified in the file KILL.FOR In the Main Module: NOFILTER - List of usernames that will override the filtering procedure and display ALL processes. NNOFILT - Number of usernames listed in array to override the filtering process. In Subroutine RESAMPLE: FILTER - List of critical system processes to be filtered from the display for anyone not listed in the NOFILTER array. NFILT - Number of process names listed in array to be filtered out of display *** MAXIMUM number of processes to be filtered out is 30 *** MAXIMUM number of usernames to override filtering is 20