RCA SPRING 1987 Collection Several items are included here for your amusement and usage. The following directories are present: [.AMISTARS] Various "all-star" quality programs for the Amiga with sources included in most. Allows Amigas to be used as 3D graphics workstations and frontends to VAXen. [.CSNET] This directory has a variety of useful source and document files broadcast on the CSnet network, mostly on the INFO-VAX bulletin board. It's a mixed bag but has many important VMS patches and several very handy systems utilities, plus lots of random information you should look at to get your system working better. [.DISASM] Here are two VMS disassemblers. One, in Pascal, runs on VAX/RSX or on PDP11 (real RSX) and disassembles VMS drivers. The other is in native mode Fortran and Macro-32 and disassembles most .EXE type modules, including (even) drivers and system images. Handy indeed for those not having VMS source code online. It was originally written to get hold of Dungeon sources from the executables, but its author has expanded it very greatly beyond that level. [.EVEPLSPLS] The EVEPLUS code from DEC had a lot of items removed from it before the lawyers let it get out the door. Here is a version which has had most of them (and more) put back in... a full EVE frontend with a 4 layer keypad. The top 2 layers look very much like EDT; the bottom ones have things like rectangular cut/paste, multifile edits, and more. [.MISC] This directory contains a few odds and ends including a VMS virtual disk driver, TAR magtape reader/writer codes and executables (in case you don't have VAX11 C), various flavors of VMSSWEEP (which reads .ARC and .LBR files created on micros), and a copy of VMSTPC from Brian Nelson in which it is believed all bugs have been fixed. [VTEDIT...] This area contains an EVE program which emulates the old TECO VTEDIT screen mode in TPU. Of course, if you really want to use TECO interactive commands a lot, you'll still need TECO. But if you like the VTEDIT keypad, now's your chance to use it again. From the DECUS library. The usual disclaimers involved apply: if this code gives you any trouble, Mr. Phelps, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of the operation. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds... Good luck, Jim...