Submissions from the MIVAXLUG, Southfield Michigan. [.HAYES] Submission to the MIVAXLUG software library from Bob Hays and KMS Fusion, Inc. Everything included here is provided as public domain software. Do not sell it! Also, there is no guarantee implied or assumed for this code, so don't use it without testing if first. If you have problems, you can try to contact me at: KMS Fusion, Inc. 3621 S. State Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 769-8500 The source code for PRIVILEGE and CALCULATOR may appear on the KMSKIT directory of the next DECUS tape. Otherwise look here for future SMG things.... ***** The good stuff ***** PRIVILEGE.EXE - PRIVILEGE.EXE uses SMG to provide a menu of privileges available for selection. If a user has SETPRV, then all privileges are displayed. The current privileges are displayed in bold, and the current item is marked by a reverse video bar. To use, define a symbol, for example PRIV, as follows: $ PRIV == "$PRIVILEGE" $ PRIV * will allow modification of privileges. $ PRIV will display but not change privileges. $ PRIV will set that choosen privilege on if the user can set it on. CALCULATOR.EXE - An SMG-based calculator that uses the VT2xx keypad for input. Can be run in reverse Polish or TI-emulation mode, and can display in exponential notation. A brief table of constants are provided but more can be added via logical name association. KMS_CALC_CONTANTS points to a file of constants of the form: F15.0, and KMS_CALC_CONVERSIONS points to a file of the form: F15.0, where the current entry is divided by the F15.0 value to perform conversion. If the logicals are not defined, the program acts as if the only data available is that coded in the program itself. [.GETQUI] - This is some stuff for queue information using the SYS$GETQUI call. The FINDJOB routine returns a value based on whether a specified job is found on a specified queue, and GET_QUEUE_NAME returns the queue name for the currently executing job. Read the *.HLP files and the source code comments for more details. [.EXCEPTION] - TEST_EXCEPTION is a handler and test for an SMG exception handler. It takes the system error messages, tries its best to truncate them to maximum window width, and then puts them into an SMG window that prompts for RETURN to continue; three errors are tested, including one fault. Note that there is a known bug in SMG up to V. 5.0 that, if a pasteboard is created and deleted 31 times you will run out of local event flags. This will be fixed in V. 5.0, and will make SMG much easier to work with. [.HULL] This submission of the SWING program is being submitted by Alan Hull of DEC. It has been extensively re-written from the original, and contains many new enhancements. It is written to use SMG routines including pull-down menus.