REMPRINT - Queues one or more files for printing on a remote system device. Submitted by: Marty Adkins VAX Support Group MS 1615 Westinghouse Electric Corp. Baltimore, Md. 21203 (301)765-1479 Functions as follows: 1) Uses a DCL command procedure on both the local and remote node that communicate with itself as a DECNET object. All copying is done locally while printing is done from the remote node. 2) Before printing, the remote command procedure alters the username and account to that of the user who requested the printout. The following files are used: local::REMPRINT.EXE kicks off the show local::WUTIL$:REMPRINT.COM communicates with remote node local::REMPRINT.CLD defines REMPRINT command remote::WUTIL$:NETJOB changes username/account of remote job remote::WUTIL$:REMPRINT.COM communicates with local node Replace WUTIL$ with your site's utility directory. Make this same substitution in REMPRINT.FOR, REMPRINT.COM and REMPRINT.CLD. Installation: On local node... 1. Define shorthand symbols as desired, e.g.: $ LASPRINT :== $WUTIL$:REMPRINT VADER /QUEUE=LASER 2. Install the help file in WHELP$. 3. Apply REMPRINT.CLD to DCLTABLES.EXE: $ SET COMMAND REMPRINT /TABLES=SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES - /OUTPUT=SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:INSTALL INSTALL> SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES/REPLACE On remote node: 1. Set default to default DECNET directory and create a subdirectory to hold subdirectories for files waiting to be printed: $ CREATE/DIR [.PRINT]/OWN=[SYSTEM] /PROT=(S:RWE,O:RWE,G:RE,W) $ SET DIRECTORY /ACL=(ID=DECNET,ACCESS=R+W) $ SET DIRECTORY /ACL=(OPTIONS=DEFAULT,ID=DECNET,ACCESS=R+W+E+D) 2. Place REMPRINT.COM in the WUTIL$ directory: $ COPY REMPRINT.COM WUTIL$: /OWN=[SYSTEM] - /PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RE,W:RE) 3. Define REMPRINT as a network object: $ NCP DEFINE OBJECT REMPRINT NUMBER 0 FILE WUTIL$:REMPRINT PROXY OUT $ NCP SET OBJECT REMPRINT NUMBER 0 FILE WUTIL$:REMPRINT PROXY OUT 4. Install the NETJOB image: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:INSTALL INSTALL> WUTIL$:NETJOB /PRIV=(CMKRNL,SYSPRV) Modify your startup procedure to include this step in the boot sequence. Note: Since NETJOB is based on our internal accounting system, you will likely need to modify its database lookup steps.