submitted by: Tom Wolfe Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 510/200 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 397-9280 The following items are submitted: 1. [XEVE] An Extended EVE Editor That Includes A Simple Spelling Checker. This is an update to a previously submitted (Fall 1986) spelling checker for EVE. The spelling checker is basically the same; Edit commands have been expanded; Bugs in support utilities fixed; Help added; Logical names changed. Three dictionaries are used to test the spelling of words. A common dictionary (standard english words), a project dictionary (acronyms, etc). and a user defined dictionary. The spelling checker has special commands that understands a little about C, DCL, FORTRAN, DCL and MACRO source code files and only checks appropriate things. The common dictionary currently contains 91,000+ words. The project dictionary can contain 1,000 word (or 10,000 bytes). The user dictionary can contain 200 words (or 2,000 bytes). See XEVE.MEM for more information. [ Editor's note: The spelling dictionary must be built using the programs provided here to do so. The wordlist is all here, but the already-built file took around 6000 blocks, which was hard to justify with the tape being tight on space. Rebuilding the dictionary takes only a few minutes.] 2. [SYMBIONT] User defined page headers for printed files. We have a need to mark files as DRAFT, PRELIMINARY, etc. This print symbiont modification routine allow a user to define there own page headers (up to 60 characters long). Pages are also number in the upper left and right corners. See the comments at the start of the source code file for information on how to use this program. 3. [DKIO] User mode virtual block IO routines in FORTRAN. See the comments in the source code for information on how to use the routines. Two simple (and similar) demo programs are provided. 4. [DEMO] This directory contains short demo programs written to for users. They demonstrate some aspect of the VAX/VMS environment (usually system system services or run-time library routines). They are: Page 2 Communicate with another terminal via QIOW, QIO and SMG routines. Create a detached process talking to another terminal and wait for it to finish. Use LIB$TPARSE to parse commands for a calculator program. Establish an exception handler. Use RMS to read and write a file. See the comments at the start of the source code files for information on how to use the programs. 5. [LINES] A very simple (dumb) utility to count the number of lines in source code file(s). I'm always being asked how many line of code I have written. This utility counts code lines, comments and white space. See the comments at the start of the source code file for information on how to use this utility. 6. [DAT] Text data files containing the ASCII character code. To make them available add the folowing to your LOGIN.COM file: ASC :== TYPE [xxx.DAT]ASC10.DAT ! decimal ASCII ASC8 :== TYPE [xxx.DAT]ASC8.DAT ! octal ASCII ASC10 :== TYPE [xxx.DAT]ASC10.DAT ! decimal ASCII ASC16 :== TYPE [xxx.DAT]ASC16.DAT ! hex ASCII