Customizing FINGER FINGER has a great many customizations you can do. This short document is meant to give some idea of a few of them. All locations with site-specific selections are commented and begin with the string "site-specific". 1. To select default fields for display, you edit FINGERCLD.CLD. You have to edit FINGER.FOR to change widths of individual display fields, however. 2. Most other edits are to FINGER.FOR The places are mostly marked with the comment "site specific". Minimum_match_characters By defining this parameter, you set the fewest characters permitted in a wildcard match. If it's 0, then the % character will give a total user list, and short queries such as vowels can be used to obtain lists of users. If it is defined to be some larger number (e.g., 3) then when you request users and give that many characters of their names, Finger reports full account names. For shorter queries, Finger only tells if an account that is exactly the string given exists. Thus, if it's 3, Finger A will say "no such account: A" whereas if it's 0, Finger would list all accounts whose usernames or account names contained the letter A. Edit Get_Username to change this. Public directories: Finger can be set up to report only images in specific "public" directories (so if image names are sensitive, it won't report them unless they're in "open" directories like sys$system. You have to define which are public directories on your system and uncomment the code that checks them. MAIL: Finger can report unread mail. There are selections that cause it to report or not report counts of unread messages. In addition you can have Finger report the From: field of either the most recent Mail message, or the From: fields of all unread mail messages. This should be tailored on a per site basis; some folks will feel that allowing anyone else to know who sent them mail is an invasion of privacy. On the other hand, it permits a sender to see whether the recipient has read HIS mail message yet. There's no code to let Finger discriminate based on who's doing the fingering at this point, though the network Finger command could have the /NOMAIL switch if desired. (VERY partial protection; a person could use the /MAIL switch over the net). This is in the Personal_Info subroutine. BYPASS Finger can be built, by uncommenting all the BYPASS logic, to filter all control characters in FINGER.PLN files. If users at your site have a habit of inserting escape sequences into their FINGER.PLN files that turn on "organ mode" in VT100, or lots of non-DEC terminals that VT100 escape sequences could confuse, select this. The resulting Finger will normally filter control chars out, unless the /BYPASS switch is given. If this is done, it will pass these characters normally. You have to edit the FINGERCLD.CLD file also to define the BYPASS qualifier or you'll never be able to turn it on. LAT Info Some experimental code has been added that calls LAT_INFO if the terminal seen begins with LT. It is designed to obtain the server and port of the LT terminal in the location field of Finger. It has not been tested, so try it with care the first time at least. However it may make it possible to do a better job of locating a real terminal on a LAT system. Load Averaging device The load averaging device name can be selected as LAV0: or whatever else is appropriate. If you don't have the LAV driver, load averaging will not be displayed. The USER_INFO routine can be modified on a site specific basis to change field widths and select what default information should be displayed. The name of the FINGER.PLN file can be chosen on a per site basis. The current version will try both FINGER.PLN and PLAN. You can change these as you like. You may also choose to have Finger use privilege to open Finger.PLN but beware! If your users then use SET FILE/ENTER they can get finger to print any file on the disk to which they have E access to the directory. If they have no E access to any directory other than their own, this may be OK however. The problem is only for files in their login disk. Terminal types PT are recognized as pseudo terminals. Also, terminals with names beginning in PX are treated as PC network terminals. This can be altered on a per site basis as needed.