From: HENRY::JSHERLING "JON L. SHERLING X6522" 19-JUN-1987 11:14 To: ARISIA::EVERHART Subj: ispell I used the rms functions sys$read() with a block size of 51,200. That did the trick. I copied ispell.exe and ispell.hash to [rcauser] if you want to install it over there. Ispell has to be installed as a foreign command, and you need to assign sys$ispell to the directory where ispell.hash is found. That should do it. By the way, our spelling checker (the one that trys to guess a word that it can't find and often says "this is taking horribly long") has an incorrect spelling for compatibility. I don't know if you have that one installed there or not. Well, that's all for now.