Spring 1988 RCA Collection [.ANALYDOC...] Documents and sources to plot/graphics utility for AnalytiCalc spreadsheet. [.ANALYOBJ...] Object modules for linking AnalytiCalc spreadsheet on VMS. (Note: default VMS pagefile quota and VIRTUALPAGECNT are probably too small for this to link, but the program will not actually USE a lot of memory unless you fill it with a LOT of formulas.) [.ANALYSRC...] COMPLETE sources to AnalytiCalc spreadsheet, a powerful spreadsheet and analysis package. AnalytiCalc can now be made to call an UNMODIFIED Fortran callable program (on a VAX, that is, about anything) from within the sheet to return values based on the sheet. A few hundred statistics and signal processing example routines are provided in case YOU want to have the first spreadsheet on your block with, say, built-in digital filter design functions or nonlinear multiple regression. A major speedup for very large and dense sheets has been incorporated also. [.DECUSUTL...] Variety of useful items including: DBAG - source only, in Fortran, a dBase III clone for VMS FORCE - Force commands from your terminal or from a command file onto another terminal. Force ANYTHING to work from a command file. MENU - simple menu building aids PLOTIT - Presentation quality graphics, including high quality graphics from AnalytiCalc spreadsheet files. SUPERSEARCH - Search for multiple patterns of keywords, within a preset "distance" from each other. Handy for searching sets of text files for patterns. [.KERRCOM...] Dave Kerr's command file front end to VMS. [.NETS88...] Numerous files from ARPAnet mail. LOTS of arcane wisdom and code bits. Also includes BOSS, a program that allows easy control of several processes from your terminal (like having multiple windows, but without having to pay for the workstation!) Submitted by Glenn Everhart (author of AnalytiCalc; collector of the rest.)