PROGRAM TO GENERATE SLIDES ON A VT100 MODELED AFTER A PROGRAM THAT WAS SEEN ON A COMPUTER AT DECUS This is an updated release of the program I submitted to the 1982 VAXSIG tape. WRITTEN BY ART MCCLINTON MITRE CORPORATION 1820 DOLLEY MADISON BLVD MCLEAN VA 22102 (703) 883-6356 Commands for SLIDE generation program: (all commands preceded by command character (.); multiple commands may appear on one line by appending them, ie: .c.r.d) A Process the file again forever B Turn on BOLD C Clear screen F Turn on Blink(flash) H Double size line L Standard size line N Normal video screen P Clear screen (page) set center mode R Reverse video screen S Synch for photograph (Wait until user types a terminator) U Turn on Underscore V TiTle Underline (Insert a line of all underscores) W Double wide line (default) X Do not center following lines Y Center following lines $ Write sequence of escape sequences (.$[7m$[0m for example) Whole line is escape sequences with $ replacing esc ; can be used to insert comment lines. FUTURE PLANS FOR THIS PROGRAM Now that I have a MAC II with power point I will probably not continue any development of this program. THE VT100 SCREEN CAN BE PHOTOGRAPHED AT F2.8 1/15 SEC.