CHAN CHAN is a procedure to show the files a process has open. This procedure was originally written by Bruce Ellis. It has been enhanced to use the SMG$ routines to handle the output. Chan works on v4.* systems ONLY! More modifications will need to be done to make it work on V5.*. To build the image: $ MACRO SHOW_PROC_FILES $ MACRO SPILL_FILE_INFO $ MACRO FIDTONAME $ LINK SHOW_PROC_FILES,SPILL_FILE_INFO,FIDTONAME $ CHAN :== $SHOW_PROC_FILES.EXE To use: $ CHAN pid where pid is the pid of the process you want to look at. If you do not supply a pid, CHAN will prompt you for it. FRAGFILES A disk fragmentation report by worst files, and a computed index value for each disk drive, to indicate which disk drives are the most fragmented. The report is available for MRGATE, VMS MAIL, or printing. This procedure uses the MRGATE and ALL-IN-1 function. AAAREADME.DOC;1 This file. FILE.EXE;1 Executable from FILE.MAR. FILE.MAR;1 The FILE.MAR from Michael Levine on a previous Sig tape. FILE.OBJ;1 Object from FILE.MAR. FRAGFILES.COM;1 The procedure that is submitted by a timely batch run procedure. We run it at 6AM every weekday. Farm Credit Bank of Wichita - Dar Schumann 245 N. Waco (316)-266-5642 Wichita, Ks 67147