For VAX users looking over the SYMBOLS.CMD file, you need to know only the following: 1) Sequences like: .setd $bel .setn $bel 7. .sets bel "'$bel%v'" .erase symbol $bel are indicative of the terrible gyrations you have to go through to do the VMS DCL equivalent of: $ bel[0,7]== 7 2) Lines like: .sets PF1 "'ss3'P" .sets f6 "'csi'17~" .sets revers "'csi'7m" ;; set character reverse video on would be written in VMS DCL as: $ PF1== "''ss3'P" $ f6== "''csi'17~" $ reverse== "''csi'7m" 3) A subroutine like: .;-------------------------------------------------------------- .; Scroll: set the scroll region, given top and bottom margins. .; .; call as: .gosub Scroll TopRow,BotRow .;-------------------------------------------------------------- .Scroll: .parse comman "," top bot .disable quiet ;'csi''top%c';'bot%c'r .enable quiet .return could be written as: $ Scroll: subroutine $ !! $ !!------------------------------------------------------------ $ !! Set the scrolling region, given top and bottom margins. $ !! $ !! Call as: call Scroll top_row_number bottom_row_number $ !! Example: call Scroll 4 20 $ !!------------------------------------------------------------ $ !! $ write sys$output "''csi'''p1';''p2'r" $ !! $ endsubroutine