<<< EISNER::DUA0:[NOTES$LIBRARY]VAX_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_SOFTWARE.NOTE;1 >>> -< VAX Public Domain Software >- ================================================================================ Note 36.0 GNU - Free Software Foundation - Order Form 1 reply EISNER::TINKELMAN "Bob Tinkelman - CCA" 89 lines 2-JUN-1988 06:33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As GNU has been mentioned a number of places throughout this conference, I thought the attached GNU order form might be of interest and use to some. Free Software Foundation Order Form 31 May 1988 All software and publications are distributed with permission to copy and redistribute. Quantity Price Item ________ $150 GNU Emacs source code, on a 1600bpi industry standard mag tape in tar format. The tape also contains: * GDB (the GNU source-level C debugger) * MIT Scheme (a dialect of Lisp) * T, Yale's implementation of Scheme * Hack (a rogue-like game) * Bison (a free, compatible replacement for yacc) * The X window system (a window system for bitmap displays written at MIT) (version 10r4) * GNU Chess (a chess playing program with an interface to X). ________ $175 Same data as above on a Sun DC300XL 1/4" cartridge tape. ________ $150 GNU Emacs only, on a 1600bpi industry standard mag tape in VMS backup format. ________ $150 GNU C Compiler source code, on a 1600bpi industry standard mag tape in tar format. The tape also contains: * Gawk (the GNU implementation of the AWK programming language) * GNU Assembler * Bison (a free, compatible replacement for yacc) * The X window system (a window system for bitmap displays written at MIT) (version 11r2) * GNU versions of ld, make, size, nm and strip * Flex (Vern Paxson fast rewrite of lex) ________ $175 Same data as above on a Sun DC300XL 1/4" cartridge tape. ________ $150 GNU C compiler sources and executables for VMS in a special self-loading format; also assembler and Bison. ________ $15 GNU Emacs manual (~300 pages). These manuals are phototypeset and offset printed, with illustrated covers, a GBC plastic ring binding that stays open flat, and a tear-out reference card. Thus, a 1600 bpi tape and one Emacs manual come to $165. ________ $10 GDB Manual (~55 pages, side stapled.) ________ $10 Texinfo Manual (~100 pages, side stapled. Texinfo is GNU's structured documentation system, included with GNU Emacs This manual describes how to write Texinfo documents). ________ $10 Termcap Manual (~60 pages, side stapled. Documents the termcap library and GNU's extensions to it.) ________ $60 Box of six GNU Emacs manuals. ________ $1 One GNU Emacs reference card. ________ $5 Ten GNU Emacs reference cards. Prices are subject to change without notice. ________ Massachusetts residents please add 5% sales tax to all prices. ________ Shipping outside North America is normally by surface mail. For air mail delivery, please add $15 per tape or manual, $1 for an individual reference card, or 50 cents per card in quantity ten or more. ________ Optional tax deductable donation. ________ Total paid Orders are filled upon receipt of check or money order. We do not have the staff to handle the billing of unpaid orders. Please help keep our lives simple by including your payment with your order. Make checks payable to Free Software Foundation. Mail orders to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave Cambridge, MA 02139 All software from the Free Software Foundation is provided on an "as is" basis, with no warranty of any kind.