GNU Software This area contains several programs from the Free Software Foundation, a group working on a complete replacement for Un*x which will solve performance and reliability problems with the Un*x OS and add new functionality. Included are BISON (a YACC superset), an AWK, Gnu Emacs, Gnu C, Gnu C++, and several more. The VMS binaries for a bootstrap Gnu C for VMS are included also. Please note that these utilities are primarily for GNU with VMS variants in some cases. Also, Gnu C is a BETA version. It is fairly usable nonetheless, and version 1.30 here is quite recent. When Gnu C finishes compiling all of Berkeley Un*x, it will be called a "real" C. (This effort is reportedly going very well.) Gnu C has been reported to generate much better code than VAX11 C and to emulate Un*x C better also. Complete sources to all files are present, but are presented in compressed TAR saveset form. Tools able to pull these distributions apart under VMS are furnished in the [] directory on these tapes. Thanks to Richard Stallman et. al. for this software. Note: A somewhat later VMS binary of Gnu C is available in [.RCAF88.GCCVMS...] (vers. 1.24) than in this tree (vers. 1.21). Neither is completely up to date due to the frequency of changes to Gnu C. You should use the bootstrap binaries to compile GCC's latest sources and then use those for your actual work.