Submission to the Fall 1988 (anaheim) VAX Sig Tape Michael N. LeVine Code 3514 Naval Weapons Center China Lake Ca 93555 (619)939-3970 avn 437-3970 HELLO.COM Command file-requires VT1/2/3xx terminal. Various items in a form suitable for these terminals [.DKDRIVER] RK05 disk driver for VAX/VMS V5.0-1. Currently running on a VAX 11/750 but the code has been written so it can be run on an SMP system (not tested is this mode). To build, execute the command file DKDRIVER.COM. To load look at the command file DKSTART.COM for a sample of what to put in your startup command file. Note that the program DKSEEK has not been debugged and should not be used. The other programs provided have been tested and debugged. [.FONT] VT3xx font editor and sample fonts. Build fonts and create command file to downline load them to the terminal. [.INACTIVE] Inactive job killer with hooks to allow different timeout intervals for selected users. [.INDEX] FORTRAN Cross-referencer and Flow Chart Generator V3.28 upgraded for VAX/VMS Fortran V5.0-1. Powerful static FORTRAN source code analyzer. See document in subdirectory for more information. [.JUICER] On and off line disk compression and file defrag routines. Disk and file monitoring utilities. Modifications made where appropriate to handle VMS-V5.0-1 system disk directory structure. See document in subdirectory for more information [.NEWS] An easy to implement and maintain VAX/VMS news utility. Document in subdirectory. [.PAINT340] Brings to the VT340 terminal attached to a VAX, some of the capabilities of a MACINTOSH. The user is able to draw points, lines, boxes, circles or other arbitrary shapes as required, and with such colors as wanted, cut, paste, fill, animate, etc. Save the screen to a data file, restore a screen from a data file or generate a command file to draw the previously generated screen on the VT340. A document is included in the sub directory. [.SORTING] Requires VT340 (may work on VT330 or 240/241). Various graphical demonstrations of sorting algorithms. Command file included will build the programs.